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Edith Gonzales returns this year in "Mujeres Asesinas", a Mexican drama, psychological thriller, television series produced by Pedro Torres . The series is an adaptation of the Argentine series with the same name, produced by Pol-ka from 2005-2008.
Each episode shows a different story of a woman who has committed homicide. Doctor Sofía Capellan and her team of experts, try resolve the murders perpetuated by the women. These women are motivated by love, hate, resentment, revenge, madness, despair, fear, anger, addiction, salvation and redemption. Doctor Capellan works in DIEM Departmento de Investigación Especializado en Mujeres. This agency is also in charge of helping the women. Unlike the argentine version, in this version the Department of Research Specializing in Women (DIEM) is added. This agency confronts and resolves brutal crimes, in which the women are also victims.

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Ashley Tisdale plays a super sexy dark angel for the single “Crank It Up” off her album “Guilty Pleasure”. The song was written by Niclas Molinder, Joacim Persson, Johan Alkenäs and David Jassy and features David Jassy. The song is included in the German compilation album Popstar Hits. Ashley performed the song on the German reality show Popstars. The German Maxi CD single includes two non-album tracks, it was released on October 16, 2009. The music video is directed by Scott Speer and was shot on the week of September 28, 2009 in Los Angeles, United States. It premiered on October 5, 2009. Watch the video here.

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To portray women in their diversity? To formulate eternal and always renewed values? To tell a story that lasts without fading? Just like Clyda, Marilyn embodies every age and every facet of women: jewery women - elegance, refinement - seductive women - glamour, sensuality - childlike women - fragility, provocation - mature women - charm, feminity. Because women are multiple and different, Clyda invents collections fitted to their plural aspirations.

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Set in the plains of Los Llanos, this Spanish telenovela features a courageous, beautiful and strong-willed woman who must rise above heartbreak, betrayal and tragedy. Her troubled past haunts her as she confronts her own deep-seated vulnerabilities in the face of an impossible love. She falls passionately for a dashing man and she must fight to keep her secrets from destroying her chance of happiness, fulfillment and true love. "The best stories feature strong women", says the show's English trailer. This is the story that started it all.

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Kesha Rose Sebert, better known as Kesha, became known in the early 2009 after appearing on Flo Rida's number one single "Right Round". Her debut single, "Tik Tok", was released in August 2009 and reached number one in five countries and set the female weekly download record in the US. Her debut album, Animal, was released in early 2010 and debuted at number one in the US. Kesha was born in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles to a single parent. Her mother was a singer and songwriter. She often brought Kesha and her brothers, Lagan and Luis, along to recording studios and encouraged Kesha to sing and taught her how to write songs. They still co-write songs together. At the age of 17 she dropped out of high school, after being convinced by Dr. Luke and Max Martin to return to Los Angeles and pursue a music career. She also had the opportunity to sing background for Paris Hilton's single, "Nothing in this World" and for Britney Spears' song "Lace and Leather", and appeared in the video for Katty Perry's single "I Kissed a Girl". Kesha described her dress sense as "garbage-chic" to Entertainment Weekly and named Keith Richards as her fashion inspiration. When asked about being a role model, Kesha said that people could look up to her in some aspects, but not everything. "I do think it’s an important thing that happiness and the amount of money you have are mixed. There’s absolutely no correlation, because the happiest times of my entire life have been when I didn’t have $2."

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Bobby Reynolds is released on probation and moves to the old apartment in East Village, New York, where his lonely mother lived and passed away. He finds a job as mechanic at the Houston Auto Repair shop owned by the supportive Hector Rodriguez, and tries to rebuild his life. However, he is deemed an outcast and his former friends and neighbors do not want to talk to him. He meets his former girlfriend, Alyssa Foldes, who works as waitress and studies in a design college. Bobby hears weird noises and finds blood in his apartment and overhears an argument between an abusive police officer and his wife. Soon, he discovers that the next door apartment is actually empty and he is haunted by the ghosts of the deceased family who were not helped by the neighbors who lived there at that time.

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In casatoria cu Joe DiMaggio, se pare ca Marilyn a repetat un tipar in care era alaturi de un barbat care nu ii suporta dorintele si ambitiile. Diferenta este ca acesta o abuza si fizic si era o persoana insensibila. "Marilyn venea la filmari cu vanatai peste tot si trebuia sa i le acoperim la machiaj. Daca iti pasa de ea, si sunt convins ca tuturor le pasa, voiai pur si implu sa ii spui: Parasseste-l pe barbatul asta. Acum! Te impresiona atat de tare incat tot ce iti doreai era sa o strangi in brate si sa o protejezi." (...) In luna august, Marilyn a inceput sa lucreze la filmul "Sapte ani de casnicie" in New York. Mai mult decat oricare alt film al ei de pana atunci si decat oricare film al ei de atunci inainte, "Sapte ani de casnicie" a conturat imaginea lui Marilyn ca cel mai mare sex-simbol din lume si ca zeita contemporana a iubirii, imagine cu care fusese asociata, cu multi ani inainte, Rita Hayworth. (...) Prima scena din New York a fost "secventa rochiei care se ridica" filmata pe 15 septembrie la ora unu noaptea. Imaginea cu Monroe, imbracata intr-o rochie realizata de designerul Travilla, de culoare ecru, cu spatele gol, asezata deasupra unei guri de aerisire de la metrou, si cu rochia plisata care isi ia zborul in timp ce ea incearca amuzata, dar fara succes, sa o tina in jos, este foarte bine imprimata in memoria colectiva a cinefililor din toate timpurile. Cinci mii de curiosi au asistat la filmarea acestei scene la intersectia dintre strada 52 si Lexington, in apropierea teatrului Trans-Lux. Din pacate, Joe DiMaggio a fost unul dintre ei. Intrebat de Walter Winchell, care se pare ca incerca sa afle reactia lui Joe ca sa o consemneze in articolul sau, ce parere are, sotul lui Marilyn a mers pe platou sa asiste la filmare. In timp ce o privea pe sotia sa care juca atat de provocator, chiar daca era clar ca totul facea parte din scenariu, s-a infuriat.(...) Chiar daca Marilyn a purtat din modestie doua perechi de lenjerie intima, lumina reflectoarelor tot dezvaluia mult mai mult decat si-ar fi dorit Joe.(...) DiMaggio a plecat apoi repede la hotelul St. Regis si si-a asteptat sotia sa se intoarca dupa o zi de lucru. Apoi si-a varsat toata furia acumulata asupra ei, palmuind-o de mai multe ori. Altercatia dintre cei doi a fost atat de zgomotoasa, incat persoanele cazate la hotel s-au adresat conducerii, de teama sa nu se intample ceva foarte rau.(...) In aceeasi seara, Marilyn si Joe vor lua cina cu Milton si Amy Green. Ambii au observat vanataile de pe spatele lui Marilyn. In ziua urmatoare, Gladys Witten, o coafeza de la studio, a vazut semnele violentei de pe umerii lui Marilyn, dar "acestea au fost acoperite bine la machiaj", a povestit ea.(...)"Din cate am auzit, Joe i-a tras vreo cateva. Si a fost urat de tot. Dupa ce a lovit-o, Marilyn i-a spus ca i-a ajuns si ca voia sa puna capat casniciei."(...) Scena statica cu faimoasa rochie care flutura si care l-a enervat la culme pe Joe a devenit emblema filmului si echipa de marketing a studiourilor Fox a decretat ca aceasta emblema trebuia redata la o marime de saisprezece metri. Enorma imagine a lui Marilyn a fost apoi decupata si asezata cu ocazia premierei filmului in fata teatrului de stat Loew in Times Square. Si nu este de mirare ca a facut senzatie.(...) Pe 4 octombrie, Jerry Geisler, un barbat trecut de prima tinerete, cu o constitutie robusta si chel, era gata sa ii dea lui Joltin' Joe DiMaggio actele de divort.(...) Probabil in aceeasi perioada, Jerry si Marilyn i-au trimis un bilet lui Darryl Zanuck, in care ii spuneau ca DiMaggio nu mai avea dreptul sa intre pe proprietatea lui Marilyn. Inseamna ca se terminase totul intre ei.

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You can find all the informations about The Collector tv show on

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Wearing only a black lingerie, Shakira goes wild in a music video promoting her new single called "Did it Again". Featuring Korean drum dance, the video mainly highlights on Shakira's dance performance with a shirtless male on the bed. The dance is choreographed in a way that they are like a couple who has a fight but at the same time is longing for each other. The music video for the song was directed by Sophie Muller, in Los Angeles, California. According to Shakira, the main influences for this video were Lawrence Alma-Tadema paintings and jidba, a sort of an intense trance which is part of the Liba, a traditional ritual of Morocco. Coming from Shakira's new album "She Wolf", the song is titled "Lo Hecho Esta Hecho" in its Spanish version and becomes the album's second single.

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Morning After Dark is the first single from Timbaland’s third studio album Shock Value 2. The song features French-American singer and songwriter SoShy. Timbaland said the song is “very interesting — it features this new artist on my label called SoShy from Paris. We’re both rapping. The song, I can’t describe it, it’s so different. It’s not different for me, but I can tell you this — it fits everything going on with the vampire theme. It fits everything with Twilight”.

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"Bad Romance" is the lead single from her second studio release "The Fame Monster". The track was produced by RedOne and was inspired by the love monster that she had faced while touring through the previous year. After the demo version of the song leaked, Lady Gaga premiered the song at Alexander McQueen's Spring/Summer 2010 Paris Fashion Week show on October 6,2009, followed by the release of the cover art.

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One of the most terrifying events of our time took place inside a Los Angeles apartment complex. It was kept a secret...until now. When a news crew decides to trail a brave firefighting team, they never suspect that the first call for help they respond to that night may be their last. Now, they're trapped in an apartment complex sealed off by the government. With no way of escape, they find themselves surrounded by frightened residents who are infected with a deadly mutant virus. The movie is a remake of the Spanish horror film "REC" and is almost an entire shot for shot remake with a few exceptions such as added scenes and dialogue and is filmed in the "found footage" style. It was released on October 10, 2008 by Screen Gems Pictures.

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Spre sfarsitul lui 1953, Marilyn Monroe se apropia cu pasi repezi de o cadere nervoasa.(...) Cei de la studio au anuntat-o ca urmatorul ei film va fi intitulat "The Girl in Pink Tights". Inca de cand a auzit titlul, Marilyn si-a dat seama ca era vorba de un alt rol de blonda prostuta si a raspuns ca nu accepta sa joace in el.(...)"Regizorii cred ca pur si simplu trebuie sa ma fatai putin, nu sa joc!", s-a plans ea unui reporter. Intr-o declaratie data altuia, si-a exprimat nemultumirile mai direct:"Sunt nerabdatoare sa fac altceva," a spus ea. "E grozav de greu sa storci din tine pana si ultima picatura de sexualitate. Mi-ar placea sa joc roluri ca Julie, din Bury the Dead, Gretchen, in Faust si Tereza, in Cradle Song. Nu vreau sa fiu actrita de comedie la nesfarsit."(...) Situatia s-a inrautatit. Cand Marilyn a aflat ca Frank Sinatra castiga cinci mii de dolari pe saptamana in timp ce ea doar o mie cinci sute, a devenit si mai nemultumita de studiourile Fox.(...) Mai tarziu, va declara despre "River of no return" si despre "Spectacolul-cea mai buna afacere": "Am fost distribuita in aceste filme fara sa mi se ceara parerea, ba chiar impotriva dorintei mele. Nu am avut de ales in situatiile acestea. Vi se pare corect? Muncesc din greu, ma mandresc cu meseria mea si sunt un om ca toti ceilalti. Daca mai joc multe roluri ca cele pe care mi le ofera Fox, publicul se va satura repede de mine." In aceeasi perioada, Marilyn a inceput sa i se confeseze unui foarte bun prieten si excelent fotograf, pe nume Milton Green (care a facut multe dintre cele mai frumoase fotografii ale actritei). Green i-a sugerat sa puna bazele propriei companii de productie, alaturi de el. Atunci ar fi avut posibilitatea sa isi aleaga rolurile, sa isi selecteze filmele si sa lucreze alaturi de studio si nu pentru studio.(...) Marilyn Monroe stia ca va fi suspendata de studiourile Fox daca refuza sa vina pe platouri ca sa filmeze The Girl in Pink Tights. Dar nu ii pasa.(...) Apoi, in Ajunul Anului Nou, in 1953, Joe a cerut-o in casatorie.(...) Au hotarat sa pastreze logodna secreta in fata mass-mediei si sa se bucure pur si simplu de timpul petrecut alaturi de familia lui Joe, care era incantata de veste. Pana la urma, studiourile Fox au cedat si i-au trimis lui Marilyn scenariul de la The Girl in Pink Tights.(...) Insa, dupa cum se asteptase, dupa ce a aruncat o privire asupra scenariului, si-a dat seama ca instinctele nu o inselasera. Era o poveste ridicola si plina de clisee si a hotarat sa nu joace in acest film. Deindata ce le-a trimis celor de la studio hotararea luata, studioul a suspendat-o, ceea ce insemna ca nu mai primea salariu. S-a obisnuit repede cu ideea aceasta, pentru ca oricum nu o plateau foarte mult. Intre timp, Marilyn incepuse sa lucreze la un articol, compus din trei parti, pentru o revista, in colaborare cu scriitorul Ben Hecht. Acesta s-a dus in San Francisco ca sa ii ia un interviu, timp de patru zile, despre povestea vietii ei - sau, de fapt, despre povestea vietii pe care dorea ea sa o prezinte in acea perioada, pentru revista "Ladie's Home Journal." Pana la urma, povestea scrisa de Hecht va ajunge intr-o carte intitulata "My Story" si publicata drept "memoriile" lui Marilyn, la multi ani dupa moartea ei. "My Story" nu este o carte rea, chiar daca evenimentele nu sunt bine puse cap la cap si exista numeroase informatii incomplete. Cititorul deduce, totusi, ideea ca Marilyn doreste sa fie considerata o victima si ca si-a conceput toate povestile avand in minte acest scop.(...) Unele persoane din viata lui Marilyn dezaproba contrar aceasta carte, asa cum face sora ei vitrega, Berniece, care spune ca povestea este "pe jumatate inventata". Nu se stie cine profita de pe urma acestei carti, dar este foarte probabil ca acestia sa nu fie membrii familiei sale.(...) Cu toate acestea, My Story este o carte in care apar cuvintele lui Marilyn despre propria sa viata. Daca o citim acum, observam ca faptele sunt reale, doar ca sirul evenimentelor este incomplet. Cununia civila dintre Joe si Marilyn a avut loc la data de 14 ianuarie 1954, in San Francisco. O mare parte a publicului si a jurnalistilor au fost de parere ca aceasta cununie a fost oarecum nepotrivita pentru o vedeta ca Marilyn. Era imbracata intr-un costum maro cu guler de hermina si nu a avut tinuta grandioasa la care s-ar fi asteptat ceilalti.(...) Tot atunci, Marilyn i-a cerut lui Joe DiMaggio un lucru neasteptat. Daca murea inaintea lui, acesta accepta sa ii aduca flori la mormant in fiecare saptamana? Joe a acceptat, avand in vedere faptul ca William Powell ii facuse acelasi juramant actritei Jean Harlow. Noua familie DiMaggio si-a petrecut luna de miere in oraselul Paso Robles, luna de miere care nu a durat insa foarte mult. Cuplul a plecat apoi, la inceputul lui februarie, intr-o calatorie de afaceri in Japonia. La aeroport, presa a observat ca degetul lui Marilyn era bandajat cu o atela. Parea sa fie rupt. Marilyn a spus ca se "lovise putin" si ca Joe fusese martor.(...)Totul parea oarecum suspect. Cand au ajuns la Tokyo, au fost surprinsi de puhoiul de oameni care ii astepta acolo: mii de fani intr-una din scenele cele mai haotice vazute de Marilyn pana atunci. Era evident faptul ca era iubita de publicul din toata lumea si acest lucru era putin inspaimantator. In ceea ce-l priveste pe Joe, acesta nu a fost deloc incantat de primire. Era clar ca popularitatea ei il eclipsa chiar si intr-o tara straina.(...) La conferinta de presa organizata in cinstea lui, pentru promovarea sportului pe care il jucase, conferinta pentru care calatorise de fapt pana acolo, lucrurile s-au inrautatit. Presa i-a adresat aproape toate intrebarile lui Marilyn. El statea langa ea cu un aer mai mult decat dezamagit. Atunci cand cuplul se gasea inca in Orientul Indepartat, Marilyn a primit din partea generalului John E. Hull, seful trupelor din Orientul Indepartat, invitatia de a participa la un spectacol pentru trupele din Coreea. Marilyn a fost de acord, insa Joe nu. Cei doi au avut o discutie aprinsa care s-a incheiat cu replica lui Joe: "E luna ta de miere. Du-te daca vrei." Iar ea s-a dus.

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The Lab magazine - released 3 times a year - is dedicated to art, music and film. It is designed to bring the world together through conversations with artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, actors and photographers and to spread creative hope amongst the people.

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Morgan struggles to help a client who refuses to believe the Devil is real. Ahneel Subramani is a Hindu holy man who achieved instant enlightenment by making a deal with the Devil...whom he believed to be the Hindu god Shiva, in one of his many disguises. As a result, Subramani is unworried about achieving redemption, because he doesn't believe in the Christian Hell. But just when Morgan starts to wonder if Subramani could be right, things starts to take a very dark turn, and the two religions clash in a burst of violence.

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Devoted family services specialist Emily Jenkins has seen it all - lies, neglect, abuse - domestic horrors of every type. That is, until she takes on Case 39: the case of 10-year-old Lillith Sullivan, whose secretive family leaves Emily shaken and disturbed. When Lillith's parents attempt to harm their only child in a late-night ritual, Emily intervenes. Heartbroken by Lillith's loneliness and innocence, Emily decides to do something she has never allowed herself to do in the past: get personally involved. Hoping to do the right thing for the girl, Emily offers Lillith a caring, happy home until she can find an adoptive family. That's when the real terror begins. What pushed Lillith's family to the breaking point? Why does everyone who comes into contact with Lillith seem to suddenly become mad? And how will Emily survive the devastating secret? To discover the truth, Emily must leave behind her rational beliefs and confront her most terrifying nightmares as she enters a supernatural realm where evil preyes on humanity. Now, the one thing Emily has to fear is the power of fear itself. The movie was shot in Vancouver in late 2006 and has been rated R for violence and terror, including disturbing images.

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Tragedy seems to follow nine-year-old Esther. She was orphaned in her native Russia. Her last adoptive family perished in a fire Esther barely escaped. But now the Coleman has adopted her, and life is good. Until a classmate takes a serious fall from a slide. Until an orphanage nun is battered to death. And until Esthers new mom wonders if that tragic fire was an accident. From Dark Castle Productions comes "Orphan", bringing stunning new twists to the psychological thriller and locking audience in a tightening vise of mystery, suspicion and terror. "Orphan" was produced by Joel Silver and Susan Downey of Dark Castle Entertainment and Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Davisson Killoran of Appian Way Productions. It turns out that Esther isn't a 9-year-old girl at all, but a 33-year-old woman named Leena Klammer. She has hypopituitarism, a disorder that stunted her physical growth and has resulted in her spending most of her adult life posing as a little girl. Leena has made a habit of moving into families as an adopted "child" and ultimately attempting to seduce the father, whom she kills along with the rest of the family after his inevitable rejection. She also has mostly developed breasts, an adult figure and dentures to cover her hideous adult teeth. The film was mostly shot in Canada, in the cities of Toronto, Port Hope and Montreal. Also, some portions were shot in the American state of Connecticut. The movie was released theatrically in the United States on July 24, 2009 and it was No. 4 at the box office for its opening weekend.

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