Elisabeth Harnois will star the lead role in the upcoming horror movie "Bad Meat". The gore-filled flick will center on troubled teens who send their parents to boot camp, only to find the tables have turned on them. Filming shut down it seems, because the money reportedly dried up and due to "non-payment of actor salaries". Problems began when shooting was delayed by ten days, however, when principal photography ceased, actors and various crew members began to head home. The movie is about a group of so-called "problem teens"who are sent by their parents to a repressive Boot Camp in the middle of nowhere, in the hope that the strict regime will transform them into youthful model citizens that their parents can be proud of. However the kids refuse to play ball, and tensions emerge between them as they try to resist the guards' sadistic methods. Meanwhile, the camp's down-trodden cook has also tired of the abuse meted out to him by the guards, and fixes them a meal of illegal, diseased meat before he abandons the camp. But he doesn't know that the meat is infected with a virus, which instead of simply making the guards ill as he intended, transforms them into flesh-crazed maniacs. If our heroes are to make it to morning and survive the carnage, they must put aside their differences and work together. They're going to learn the lessons of maturity and responsibility - the hard way..
Australian-born Orianthi wants to inspire America's young women to put down their cell phones and pick up guitars. As the guitarist for Michael Jackson's final tour, the 24-year-old followed in the footsteps of Eddie Van Halen and Jennifer Batten in working with the late legend. But as the video for 'According to You' -- from her forthcoming album, 'Believe' -- proves, Orianthi is ready to break out on her own. "'According to You' is a pop song but I think the lyrics will really connect with a lot of young girls," Orianthi tells PopEater. "It will make them feel good about themselves. It's really empowering and it connects with a lot of people as it's about leaving a bad situation and moving on to a better one. It's not a negative song. I thought that lyric would be great and then rocking it with the music and adding a guitar solo."
"Fox, you cancel all of our favorite shows...you don't advertise them and you never give them a chance to grow a fan base. You started Point Pleasant in the worst timeslot on television and hoped to carry viewers after the pilot without promoting it. We are tired of getting interested in the television shows on your network just to have them cancelled." This is how the petition sounds like. For those frustrated by Fox TV's decision to cancel this 2005 series after only one season, log on to http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/pointpleasant and sign the petition. Till now, it raised 11100 signatures. There are two sides to every soul...Delve into the sexy, supernatural world of Point Pleasant now available on DVD. The complete series includes 5 unaired episodes in the USA that fans are dying to see and also, a "making of" featurette.
Former "Merlos Place", "Savannah" and "Stranger in my Bed" star Jamie Luner made her appearance on "All my Children" as Pine Valley's favorite vixens - Liza Colby. The show's head writer Chuck Pratt, who wrote for the siren during her two seasons on Melrose Place, brought Luner to AMC . In a recent TV Guide interview he touted her arrival to the soap: "Back then, Jamie's nickname on the set was 'Turbo' because she's such a ball of energy and you can throw anything at her."With high expectations and a huge promotional campaign, the ABC sudser is hoping to regain some viewers by returning the character to her scheming ways. For many years, the wonderful Marcy Walker played the role of Liza. Walker is now a children's ministry director in a North Carolina church, a far cry from the role that made her a star. Luner is taking a fresh approach to the role with a no-holds-barred, take-no-prisoners outlook.
La intoarcerea in SUA,dupa ce s-au terminat filmarile la "Printul si dansatoarea", Marilyn Monroe si Arthur Miller au inchiriat un apartament spatios, la etajul 13, intr-o cladire din New York, pe strada 57. Cumparasera de curand si o ferma mare, in Roxbury, Connecticut, care se afla in renovari. Intre timp, aveau sa locuiasca in oras si sa-si petreaca urmatoarele doua luni incercand sa-si salveze casnicia.(...) De multe ori, cuplul se retragea la o casa de vacanta pe care o inchiriasera in Long Island, unde Marilyn calarea sau picta in acuarela.1957 a fost un an foarte bun, probabil cel mai linistit din viata ei.(...) Stia ca are probleme emotionale serioase, care se nascusera in tinerete, din faptul ca nu fusese dorita si nu se simtise iubita si credea ca trebuie sa analizeze aceste lipsuri si sa vada ce putea sa invete din ele sau, cel putin, sa gaseasca o arma mai buna sa infranga demonii din ea.(...) Tot atunci, Marilyn si Milton Green, parteneri la Marilyn Monroe Productions, si-au incheiat parteneriatul. Cei doi avusesera probleme luni de zile din cauza ca Green incerca sa controleze prea mult dintre afacerile lui Marilyn; asta era parerea ei, impartasita de multi dintre apropiati.(...) In iulie, Marilyn a aflat ca este insarcinata. Isi dorea din suflet sa aiba un copil, dar nu era sigura de sentimentele ei pentru tatal acestuia. Totusi, a recunoscut ca ultimele sase luni cu Arthur fusesera foarte relaxante. Nu era sigura ca are parte de respectul lui, dar stia ca tine la ea. Insa ii era greu sa treaca peste ceea ce citise in jurnalul lui. "Fetita mea va auzi mereu cat de frumoasa e", a spus Marilyn cand a aflat de sarcina. Era sigura ca va avea o fetita. "Cand eram mica, nimeni nu mi-a spus ca sunt frumoasa. Vreau ca fetita mea sa zambeasca tot timpul. Tuturor fetitelor trebuie sa li se spuna ca sunt frumoase, iar eu ii voi spune asta tot timpul fetitei mele." Din pacate, la 1 august Marilyn avea sa fie diagnosticata cu sarcina ectopica. Sarcina ei avea atunci cinci sau sase saptamani. Pierderea copilului a intristat-o enorm.(...) Primele sase luni ale anului fusesera linistite, fapt care avea sa se schimbe dupa ce Marilyn a pierdut copilul.(...) Se pare ca Gladys ii trimisese fiicei sale un bilet nemilos in care spunea ca, dupa parerea ei, Marilyn nu era pregatita sa devina mama, ca odata cu maternitatea apar anumite responsabilitati, "iar tu, draga mea, nu esti o persoana responsabila". O ruda isi aminteste: "Cred ca pe Marilyn, scrisoarea a suparat-o la fel de mult ca pierderea copilului. A inceput sa bea mult mai mult, ceea ce, alaturi de pastile, a devenit prea mult pentru ea. A inceput sa spuna ca aude voci.(...) Arthur mi-a marturisit ca era la restaurant intr-o noapte, iar seful de sala i-a spus ca l-a sunat cineva. Era Marilyn. Era beata si-l ruga sa vina acasa si s-o salveze. Din fericire, Miller s-a dus acasa intr-un suflet. Ea luase o supradoza. Nu stiu daca o facuse sau nu intentionat. Nu a aflat nimeni, niciodata. Dupa aceea, nimeni n-a mai vorbit despre asta, iar intregul episod a ramas un mister. Pur si simplu nu s-a discutat niciodata despre asta." Dupa sarcina ectopica a urmat o perioada dificila pentru Marilyn. Intre august 1957 si iulie 1958 a suferit de cea mai grava depresie din viata ei. Isi bagase in cap ca esuase deja ca mama, din simplul motiv ca pierduse sarcina. Mariajul ei nu era o implinire. Isi pierduse interesul pentru cariera si, se pare, mai ales pentru compania Marilyn Monroe Productions.(...) Dezamagirea fata de ea insasi, combinata cu medicamentele pe care le lua ca sa adoarma, i-au indus o stare de confuzie in care ii era imposibil sa-si rezolve problemele. Daca adaugam si alcoolul, mai ales sampanie, pentru ca alte bauturi ii faceau rau la stomac, fapt care n-o oprea intotdeauna sa bea, combinatia putea sa fie letala. Ajunsese sa-si toarne un pahar de sampanie cu mainile tremurande, sa deschida o capsula, apoi sa toarne continutul direct in pahar ca sa se ameteasca mai repede. Sau, daca dorea un efect si mai rapid, isi turna cristalele sub limba. Incepuse sa se ingrase, deoarece isi pierduse interesul fata de multe aspecte din viata ei. Nu-i pasa. Se luptase multa vreme sa-si pastreze silueta, iar acum se simtea indreptatita sa se ingrase. In aceasta perioada a luat noua kilograme in greutate.(...) Doua zile mai tarziu, a primit o vizita de la psihiatrul ei, de. Marianne Kris. Circumstantele erau foarte diferite, dupa cum a povestit Barbara Miller, fiica unei prietene a psihiatrului lui Marilyn.(...)"N-a fost o priveliste prea placuta", povesteste ea."Aveam 12 ani, dar imi amintesc bine. O indrageam nespus pe Marilyn Monroe si abea asteptam sa o intalnesc. Era mult mai solida decat credeam si totusi foarte frumoasa. A navalit in camera si ne-a salutat imbracata intr-un caftan inflorat care arata foarte bine. Avea parul foarte blond si lung pana la umeri. Imi amintesc ca avea maini extrem de delicate, cu degete lungi si unghiile vopsite cu oja rosie. Era foarte draguta, insa parea...nu stiu cum sa zic...cred ca ametita ar fi cuvantul potrivit."
“You Belong with Me” is the title of a song co-written and recorded by American country artist Taylor Swift. It is the third single from her second album, Fearless. In this song, she plays the innocent girl as well as her neighbours girlfriend. “You Belong with Me” is a song in which the singer loves a boy, but they are just friends, and he is with someone else. Swift commented about the song’s background: “I came into the writing session with Liz Rose and said….I’ve got this idea. I had overheard a friend of mine talking to his girlfriend and he was completely on the defensive saying, ‘No, baby.
The heart of the Artdeco collection is the unique range of blushers, the "Systeme Mosaique" with magnetic boxes in different sizes. You combine your favourite colour individually, add new fashion colours and integrate blushes or applicators. The incomparable variety of colors leaves nothing be desired! The blushers are available in a very wide choice of shades and separately, and so can be combined individually. They provide brilliant colors, stay in place for ages, and have a pleasant texture for soft application. The blushers are very gentle and can be applied intensely or softly at will.
The music video was reportedly shot by director Jonas Akerlund in a desert in Los Angeles. It was suggested that the video, which is allegedly shy of 10 minutes long, will see Beyonce Knowles coming to the rescue of the imprisoned GaGa. More details of the premiere will be unraveled on GaGa's official website on Monday, March 8.
Lady GaGa has previously gushed that the video for her second single off "The Fame Monster" is a "masterpiece". In a previous interview, the "Poker Face" hitmaker stated that it even tops the "Bad Romance" video. "I feel so bad for the 'Bad Romance' video 'cause the 'Telephone' video's so much better," she said. "[Beyonce is] really a great friend of mine," the 23-year-old singer went on explaining about her collaboration with Beyonce for the video. "We have a lot of fun working together. We're so very different in our approaches, but somehow when we come together it's really magical. I'm very excited for everyone to see the video."
Naomi Campbell Cat Deluxe With Kisses is a new fragrance by Naomi Campbell, third in a row of Cat Deluxe editions. After pink Cat Deluxe and evening Cat Deluxe at Night, the third flacon is covered with kisses. Fragrance Cat Deluxe With Kisses is created at fresh-oriental-floral and is perfect for summer period and modern woman who likes to seduce, to play and flirt. An opening impact of freshness with citrusy-pepperish accords introduces a blend of cardamom, pink pepper and bergamot, along with fruity zest of red berries, clementine, apple and black currant. A heart of the fragrance is composed of a velvety floral bouquet of rose petals, which are a simbol of love and luxury, strengthened with scents of elegant peony and Sambac jasmine. A base brings us warm and intensive aromas of vetiver, incense and tonka, with irresistible tastiness of vanilla. The flacon has the same shape as its antecedents and is decorated with red lips, which leave lusty, juicy kisses on the glass, with a red, fluffy pendant on the neck of the bottle.
"Ce inseamna tenul perfect pentru mine? Ceea ce fiecare femeie incearca sa obtina prin machiaj: un ten mat, care nu straluceste, un ten impecabil, proaspat, care radiaza de sanatate. Acum puteti obtine asta folosind un singur produs!" spune Alexandru Abagiu, makeup artist oficial L'Oreal Paris.Ten redefinit, ten mat, catifelat cu aspect luminos. O piele metamorfozata. Un ten sanatos, fara imperfectiuni. Un ten mat, catifelat si luminos. Descoperiti un fond de ten revolutionar: Mat Morphose de la L'Oreal Paris. Fond de ten cu textura de spuma, o textura miraculoasa care se topeste intre degete. Pentru ca meritati!
Shakira is out with the video to her latest single "Gypsy", with tennis star Rafael Nadar playing the Columbian pop singer's love interest. The song is the fourth release off her third English album "She Wolf". Check out Shakira's hot new video - Gypsy. "Shooting this video with Rafa was a great experience, he is very sweet and made it easy and fun," said Shakira. "He and I have so much in common - starting out so young in our respective careers and traveling the world - I felt this would translate the spirit of the lyrics in the song and I was thrilled he wanted to be a part of it." Nadal added, "It has been a great experience and I had a lot of fun doing it. I had some time in between tournaments and preparation and could not miss this opportunity. Shakira, as always, was spectacular. Working with a woman as charming as her, well, it makes it lot easier to tell the truth. It was great, very easy, she's really sweet and that always makes the hours go by faster."
Marilyn nu tinuse secret faptul ca Natasha avea sentimente nepotrivite fata de ea si aproape toti cei din New York o vedeau acum ca pe un obstacol in evolutia lui Marilyn. "Daca scopul tau ca actrita este sa ajungi cat mai departe posibil, imagineaza-ti cat de greu ti-ar fi sa repeti replicile cu o femeie care ti-a spus ca e indragostita de tine," a spus actrita Maureen Stapleton.(...) Timpul petrecut de Marilyn in New York a umilit-o pe Natasha. Cativa prieteni ai Natashei s-au indepartat de ea si salariile primite de la studio veneau din ce in ce mai tarziu.(...) Natasha, o femeie care fusese atat de respectata in calitate de profesoara de actorie, simtea acum dispretul manifestat de catre cei de la studio. Nu a durat mult si indepartarea ei a devenit oficiala.(...) In ciuda groaznicelor circumstante in care se gasea Natasha, aceasta o iubea foarte mult pe Marilyn si era ingrijorata cu privire la sanatatea si situatia prietenei sale. Fusese un factor stabilizator in viata lui Marilyn, chiar daca relatia lor parea, in fata anumitor persoane, oarecum bizara.(...) Atunci cand Natasha a aflat ca Marilyn se intorsese in Los Angeles, a vrut cu disperare sa o vada. S-a dus pana la studio si l-a convins pe un angajat de la biroul de presa ca pierduse numarul lui Marilyn. A obtinut numarul de telefon de la acesta. Apoi a sunat de nenumarate ori la noua locuinta a lui Marilyn, din Westwood, pana cand insistenta ei a fost privita drept hartuire. Insa Marilyn luase o hotarare definitiva: nu voia sa mai aiba nimic de-a face cu Natasha Lytess. Se descurcase foarte bine fara ea tot anul trecut si chiar reusise sa isi creeze o imagine in fata studiourilor Fox pe care nu o avusese niciodata in ochii Natashei: imaginea de actrita adevarata.(...) Natasha incerca, in continuare, sa ia legatura cu Marilyn. Pana la urma, cand a vazut ca Natasha nu renunta, Marilyn si-a contactat avocatul, pe Irving Stein, si l-a rugat sa o contacteze el pe Natasha. Stein i-a spus lui Lytess ca nu mai avea voie sa o caute si sa o sune pe Marilyn, sub nici o forma. Drept raspuns, din cate isi aminteste avocatul, Natasha i-a spus la telefon urmatoarele lucruri:" Marilyn Monroe a fost singura persoana pe care am protejat-o eu pe lumea asta. Eu am creat-o pe fata asta. Intotdeauna am avut un cuvant greu de spus pe platouri. Am fost disperata cand am vazut ca nu vrea sa-mi raspunda la telefon. Eu sunt proprietatea ei personala si ea stie asta. Credinta si siguranta ei sunt in mainile mele. Eu nu am nici o protectie financiara, insa ea are. Am o sanatate precara. Mi-ar placea foarte mult sa o vad, chiar si cu martori, macar timp de o jumatate de ora." Raspunsul a fost nu.(...) Intr-o scrisoare foarte interesanta adresata fostei sale eleve Helena Albert, Natasha a descris situatia astfel:" Timp de ani de zile, am vazut abilitatea lui Marilyn de a-i indeparta pe ceilalti din viata ei. Si eu am incurajat lucrul acesta. Imagineaza-ti ce costernata am fost atunci cand am vazut ca si eu fac parte din acel grup al oamenilor dati la o parte. Presupun ca lucrul asta era inevitabil, insa ma doare atat de tare si nu stiu cat mai pot suporta asta." Natasha Lytess a murit de cancer in 1964, la doi ani dupa Marilyn Monroe.(...) Unul dintre cele mai importante aspecte ale relatiei dintre Arthur Miller si Marilyn Monroe era acela ca lui Miller ii placea felul in care Marilyn il asculta, felul in care dadea atentie fiecarui cuvant pe care i-l spunea.(...) Marilyn credea ca Arthur Miller nu putea sa greseasca. Era destept si interesant. Era implicat in transformarea societatii si avea constiinta. De asemenea, spre deosebire de ultimul ei sot, ii sprijinea idealurile. Si totusi, in ciuda acestor calitati, ea ezita sa se marite cu el. De fapt, Marilyn nu dorea sa-l incurajeze sa divorteze, chiar daca el luase deja o hotarare in aceasta privinta.(...) La 22 iunie 1956, a tinut o conferinta de presa in care a declarat ca se va marita cu Arthur Miller.(...) In noaptea aceea, intr-o ceremonie scurta, restransa si superficiala- a durat doar patru minute!- Marilyn si Arthur s-au casatorit in fata judecatorului de la Judecatoria din Westchester County, din White Plains, New York. Apoi, la 1 iulie, au tinut o alta ceremonie, de rit mozaic, in prezenta prietenilor. Ceea ce multi nu stiau era ca Marilyn a urmat un curs rapid de initiere in iudaism, care i-a permis sa se marite in credinta respectiva, desi nu a practicat niciodata aceasta religie.
Descoperiti inovatia de la Schwarzkoph: noul Brillance Color Protect and Diamond Shine. Cel mai stralucitor Brillance vreodata! Chiar si dupa doua saptamani intregi culoarea este intensa si stralucitoare ca a unui diamant, datorita formulei Diamond Shine care netezeste suprafata parului astfel incat lumina se reflecta perfect pentru o stralucire care dureaza. Formula speciala Color Protect fixeaza pigmentii de culoare in firul de par pentru a asigura culorii o prospetime de lunga durata. Cu Brillance, parul este mai fermecator si seducator - pur si simplu irezistibil!