The legend of the werewolf is one of the most ancient and wide spread. Stories of werewolves can be found as far back as history has been written. The name Werewolf most likely derives from Old English wer (or were) and wulf. The first part, wer, translates as "man" (in the sense of male human, not the race of humanity). It has cognates in several Germanic languages including Gothic wair, Old High German wer and Old Norse var, as well as in other Indo-European languages, such as Latin vir, Lithuanian vyras and Welsh gwr, which have the same meaning. The second half, wulf, is the ancestor of modern English "wolf"; in some cases it also had the general meaning "beast". An alternative etymology derives the first part from Old English weri (to wear); the full form in this case would be glossed as wearer of wolf skin. Lobisón is the word that stands for Werewolf in north Argentina.
The Lobisón is usually the seventh son in a family (whereas the seventh daughter is doomed to be a witch). When they turn into a hairy creature that resembles both a man and a wolf, the Lobisón (a legend greatly influenced by the Brazilian traditions), wanders in the hills and mountains, feeding mostly upon carrion. However, if they get to meet with a human being, they will instantly attack. The survivors (men and women) will then turn into Lobisones themselves, but it is quite rare, because most people die in the claws and teeth of these ferocious creatures. It is also said that if a Lobison's saliva sprinkles over a man or a woman, he or she will eventually turn into a Lobisón. In the early 1900s the legend of the 7th son (it had to be 7 boys in a row, no girls in between) transforming himself into a werewolf was so widespread and believed that it was causing a lot of children to be abandoned or given away for adoption, and it is said that in some cases the parents killed their own son. Because of this, the president passed a law in the 1920s by which the 7th son of a family automatically receives the godfathership of the president of Argentina! Through this, the state gives him a gold medal on the day of his baptism (when the president officially becomes his godfather) and a scholarship for all of his studies until his 21st birthday. Supposedly, this ended the phenomenon of people condemning their children for fear of the werewolf. The law is still in effect, and it is popularly known, and the presidents have always attended at least some of the baptisms, especially during election season. In Brazil, A humam only will become a "lobisomem" if he was the 7th children (male) from the same father and mother. He changes into a "lobisomem", for the first time when he is 13 years old. Just for two hours: from Midnight to 2:00 am. Always on Friday during Lent. The Finnish werewolves are rather melancholy creatures (surprisingly...). In our stories/legends/myths a person usually turns into a wolf without really wanting it, accidentally (by doing something that'll turn him into a wolf without knowing this might happen) or because some witch has put a spell on him (according to Finns, these witches would naturally be Sami, although the Swedes thought we were pretty good at magic ourselves). The werewolf (who's usually bound to be a wolf for nights and days until something releases him from the spell) then lurks around houses, sometimes eating cattle but rarely people and waits for somebody to recognize him. When somebody does (e.g the wolf's mother), she/he can break the spell by calling the werewolf by his Christian name or giving him some bread to eat. Sometimes after the werewolf had regained his human form, he would still have his tail till the day he died. Some houses actually exhibit sauna benches that have a hole in them, presumably cut for the ex-werewolf's tail. In Portugal, werewolves are called lobis-homems. In the 1400's there was one kind of lobis-homem that was very quite common: The gentle and non-attacking creature. Once fallen under a spell, the lobis-homem would attend a crossroad at night to become a wolf after groveling on the dirt. Then the creature would run into the countryside, howling out loud, without hurting anyone. A shy and sad creature, the Portuguese lobis-homem could be easily recognized, for it was a wolf with a short and yellow-furred tail. However, there was yet another kind of werewolf in Portugal, with little resemblance to this noble creature. It was the evil and devilish variety, far less-common though, linked directly to the black arts of witchcraft. Evil lobis-homems could be recognized by the shape of their eyes and sometimes because of the presence of the Devil's mark in some part of the body. The only werewolf in Georgia's history is said to be buried in O'Neal's District in Talbot County. Some of the older citizens can tell the story of the unlikely person who could turn into a werewolf at will to maraud among the sheep. Local residents complained that many of their sheep were being attacked, even with several guards standing post. And the dead sheep were never eaten by their attacker, it seemed to kill simply for the joy of killing. The species of the animal was unknown. Some thought that it may be a grey wolf but the animal's tracks were not like those of a grey wolf. Land owners began to increase security. They made new traps. More guards were placed over the sheep at night. Professional hunters were brought in and new rifles were purchased. They were never able to kill the creature. A couple of times a hunter was able to shoot the animal from a distance but could not bring it down. One farmer that had suffered more extensive losses than the others swore that he would kill the animal. He offered a $200 reward to anyone that killed it. One day the farmer received a note asking him to go to the farm of a new settler. The farmer did as the note said and he met the new settler. The person who had sent the note was a hard-working and religious man. "Back home in Bohemia, we had this same problem. People lose their sheep for months until someone nearby tells us of the werewolf legend. The werewolf loves to kill for fun, just to taste the blood. So we villagers did the same thing I am asking you to do. Here is my silver cross. Take it and melt it into the shape of a bullet. It is the only way a werewolf can be stopped." The farmer melted down the cross and fitted it into his own rifle. He sat with his flock to wait for the animal. He wasn't kept waiting for long. On the second night, the beast came to the flock he was guarding and began its nightly slaughter. He took aim at the animal and fired. The animal cried out a piercing scream, but it sounded more like the sound of a woman screaming than an animal. The farmer ran to check to see if he had killed it, but it was nowhere to be found. Instead, however, he found the left front foot of the beast, where the silver bullet had cleanly sliced it off. The slaughters stopped from then on. It was not until years later that the town doctor revealed on the very night of the shot he had bandaged a young woman's arm for what looked like the damage from a bullet which had taken off her entire hand and wrist. But this is how the real story goes...
Apparently, Ms. Burt was a resident of Talbot County, a rural county in southwest Georgia between Macon and Columbus. The Burt family, a wealthy and prominent family in the Talbot County community, had several children. According to the late Nancy Roberts in her book "Georgia Ghosts" published by John F. Blair publishers in 1997, there was Sarah, Mildred, Emily Isabella and Joel. Mrs. Burt was widowed by the age of thirty-seven and had inherited a nice estate from her deceased husband. Of all of her children, it appears that Emily Isabella was the one with the most problems. For one, she had inherited a lot of physical traits from her father, including dark hair and bushy eyebrows. However, she was said to have had sharp, white canine teeth that made her smile quite disturbing. In one report, Roberts claims that Emily Isabella's mother took her to a local dentist to see if the teeth could be altered in any way. He could do nothing for her. Soon afterwards, she fell ill and suffered from restless nights. The only thing that seemed to allay those sleepless nights was an elixir that contained opium. Nevertheless, the elixir was not fullproof, and some nights, Emily Isabella roamed the countryside. In addition to these strange issues, Emily Isabella had a fondness for reading, and her subject of choice was the supernatural. Given the fact that part of her mother's inheritance upon the death of her father was a vast collection of books, this affinity for reading was quite convenient. Even her mother was fond of this reading habit, as it was a way to keep an eye on Emily Isabella as she stayed home and read in the family library. Legend has it that the beau of one of Emily Isabella's sisters, a William Gorman, reported to the Burts that something was killing his sheep. Fearful that this may soon be happening to her animals, Mrs. Mildred Burt became quite concerned. On ensuing visits, Gorman would recount stories about more sheep killings and that some of his cattle were killed as well. He was concerned about the killings and decided to take action. He reported that he was going to be putting together what amounted to a posse. Their intentions were to shoot and kill whatever beast was doing the damage. Emily Isabella was unusually interested in what was going on and what events had transgressed in the hunt for this animal. On the night of the big hunt, Mildred Burt, who also had inherited more than a few guns and was a great markswoman, went out with her pistol. She apparently suspected that Emily Isabella was somehow involved with the killings and she wanted to be prepared for anything. As she was near the area, an animal lunged for her and she fired. It ran away. Interestingly enough, the next morning, it was reported that Emily Isabella was missing her left hand. After being taken to a local physician, her mother decided to send her to Paris to be treated by a doctor who specialized in lycanthropy, a disorder that made its victims think they were werewolves. While she was in Paris, the attacks stopped, and once she returned, supposedly cured, the attacks fell to a minimum. Isabella remained in Talbot County until her death in 1911. She was 70 years old and is buried in the Owens and Holmes Cemetery near Woodland. Her story has endured, but not everyone is convinced this legend is true. This story has shown up in a good many books on the supernatural and strange in Georgia. As mentioned earlier, Nancy Roberts wrote of it in her book "Georgia Ghosts." It also appears in Jim Miles' "Weird Georgia", as well as Dr. Alan Brown's "Haunted Georgia."
The werewolf is generally held as a European character, although its lore spread through the world in later times. Shape-shifters, similar to werewolves, are common in tales from all over the world, most notably amongst the Native Americans, though most of them involve animal forms other than wolves. Various methods for becoming a werewolf have been reported, one of the simplest being the removal of clothing and putting on a belt made of wolfskin, probably as a substitute for the assumption of an entire animal skin (which also is frequently described). In other cases, the body is rubbed with a magic salve. To drink rainwater out of the footprint of the animal in question or to drink from certain enchanted streams were also considered effectual modes of accomplishing metamorphosis. The 16th century Swedish writer Olaus Magnus says that the Livonian werewolves were initiated by draining a cup of specially prepared beer and repeating a set formula. Ralston in his Songs of the Russian People gives the form of incantation still familiar in Russia. In Italy, France and Germany, it was said that a man could turn into a werewolf if he, on a certain Wednesday or Friday, slept outside on a summer night with the full moon shining directly on his face. In other cases, the transformation was supposedly accomplished by Satanic allegiance for the most loathsome ends, often for the sake of sating a craving for human flesh. The phenomenon of repercussion, the power of animal metamorphosis, or of sending out a familiar, real or spiritual, as a messenger, and the supernormal powers conferred by association with such a familiar, are also attributed to the magician, male and female, all the world over; and witch superstitions are closely parallel to, if not identical with, lycanthropic beliefs, the occasional involuntary character of lycanthropy being almost the sole distinguishing feature. Werewolves have several described weaknesses, the most common being an aversion to wolfsbane (a plant that supposedly sprouted from weeds watered by the drool of Cerberus while he was brought out of Hades by Heracles). Unlike vampires, werewolves are not harmed by religious artifacts such as crucifixes and holy water. Various methods have existed for removing the werewolf form. The simplest method was the act of the enchanter (operating either on oneself or on a victim), and another was the removal of the animal belt or skin. To kneel in one spot for a hundred years, to be reproached with being a werewolf, to be struck three blows on the forehead with a knife, or to have at least three drops of blood drawn have also been mentioned as possible cures. Many European folk tales include throwing an iron object over or at the werewolf, to make it reveal its human form, naked in cases from 1859. Another vulnerability is to use a weapon of silver (bullet, knife etc). To stab a werewolf with a silver dagger, or to shoot it with a silver bullet is said to not only kill a werewolf, but to also cause it agony in the time before it dies, rather resembling being slowly burned from the inside. Silver in European folklore has long been traditionally believed to be an antidote to various maladies and mythical[citation needed] monsters. Notably, silver was believed to be a repellent against vampires (this primarily originates from its holy connotations; also, mirrors were originally polished silver, and as such, vampires allegedly cannot be seen in them because they have no soul) and it was also believed that a werewolf, in his bestial form, could only be killed by a weapon or bullet made of silver. This has given rise to the term "silver bullet", which is used to describe things that very effectively deal with one specific problem. In different traditions, silver is thought to be the metal associated with the moon and with the human soul. It is likely that these associations have contributed to the legend of the silver bullet.
During the period from 1520 to 1630 there were over 30,000 werewolf trials in France alone. Most of the people who were tried as being werewolves were poor, and came from lowlands with elevations less than 500 feet above sea level. A recent theory is that many of the werewolf accusations were a result of a fungus found in their rye crop. Rye bread was a staple for the poorer people of France, and after cold winters the rye developed the Ergot fungus. Unbeknownst to them, the fungus was a strong hallucinogenic. This theory contests that the werewolf hysteria was a result of mass hallucination since most of the accusers and the accused were poor. The wealthy staple was the more expensive wheat, which was immune to the Ergot fungus. This explains why the wealthy were immune from the werewolf hysteria. Another explanation of werewolves comes from within the human brain. Temporal lobes in the brain control sensations in the human body, and any irritation of the temporal lobes can cause hallucinations. Also, if a person has shrunken temporal lobes, they can be subject to complex partial seizures. These seizures can lead to fixed delusions. Such delusions can include a person thinking that they are a wolf. Also, a lack of nutrition or a hit on the head can cause complex partial seizures. The "magic salve" that was used by humans to transform into wolves was a strong hallucinogenic. When rubbed over the body, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and causes effects similar to LSD. A person under the salve's effect could imagine that he was anything, or anyone. One reason that people during the Medieval Times imagined themselves as werewolves, as opposed to other things, is because of the mass hysteria over werewolves during this time.
Feral. Mangy. Hungry and cursed. No wonder why the werewolf is such a irritable beast. He (or she) has had a hell of an on-screen romp full of ups and downs over the last century. More often than not, we can cite the successful werewolf films by heart; the go-to titles being, arguably, The Wolf Man, An American Werewolf in London and The Howling - that last title spawning a series of abysmal sequels that seemingly set out to destroy the werewolf sub-genre with an unwavering obsession equal to that of Calvin Lockheart's in The Beast Must Die. Nevertheless, the werewolf has endured. If Frankenstein's creation was the misunderstood monster, then the werewolf is without a doubt the misrepresented one. In the hands of an incapable filmmaker, lycanthropy can become a campy joke, no scarier than a retriever playing a game of fetch. In the eyes of special effects artists lacking vision, these hirsute creatures - and the transformation they undergo - can become silly and shaggy behemoths with claws. But some storytellers have gotten it right, recognizing the inner conflict of the afflicted man at the heart of their tale, furthermore the beast that lurks within, and used that to drive themes of adolescence, friendship, sexuality, disease or, of course, the fear of death.
La 10 aprilie 1962, Marilyn Monroe trebuia sa se intalneasca cu scenaristul Henry Weinstein, care lucra la filmul "Something's Got to Give". In ziua precedenta, in timp ce se afla in studiourile Fox pentru probele de machiaj si costume, Marilyn fusese superba si se comportase bine o mare perioada de timp. Cu toate acestea, a doua zi a intarziat la intlnirea cu Weinstein. Nimic surprinzator. Weinstein a sunat-o ca sa afle cand o sa ajunga, insa a intrat in panica, deoarece nu i-a raspuns nimeni. Dupa ce a incercat de mai multe ori sa sune, Marilyn a raspuns in sfarsit la telefon."A, nu, ma simt bine..." i-a spus Marilyn. Cu toate acestea, vocea ei nu i s-a parut "in regula". Era stearsa, iar Marilyn parea ca-si pierde din cand in cand cunostinta. Disperat, Weinstein a zis ca da o fuga pana la ea si a inchis telefonul. Apoi l-a sunat pe dr Greenson, iar cei doi s-au dus intr-un suflet la casa lui Marilyn din Brentwood. Au gasit-o in pat. Lesinase."Era aproape goala si aproape moarta, din cate am putut sa-mi dau seama," isi aminteste Weinstein. "Cel putin, intrase in coma din cauza medicamentelor. Nu am putut sa-mi dau seama ce se intamplase, de ce-si facuse asta. Era foarte dezorientant faptul ca intr-o zi fusese atat de vesela, iar in ziua urmatoare o gasisem in starea aia. Nu stiu cum a reusit, dar dr Greenson a readus-o in simtiri. Eram atat de tulburat, incat nu puteam sa-mi revin."(...) Mai tarziu, s-a stabilit ca Marilyn luase o supradoza aproape mortala, o combinatie de nembutal, demerol, clorhidrat si librium.(...) Weinstein spune:"Nu cred ca am reusit sa depasesc vreodata socul pe care l-am trait cand am gasit-o pe Marilyn aproape moarta. Nu treci foarte usor peste asa ceva.Ore in sir am incercat sa inteleg ce se intamplase.M-am gandit: in ziua anterioara, Cukor n-a venit sa regizeze probele de costume si poate lucrul asta a suparat-o. Poate ca a considerat ca era vorba de o palma sau o respingere. stiu...trebuie sa fi fost ceva mai mult." Intr-adevar, asa era. O sursa apropiata de Marilyn Monroe in acea perioada, care a vorbit sub protectia anonimatului de teama unei posibile razbunari din partea clanului Kennedy, a rezumat situatia in felul urmator:"JFK, el era problema. Marilyn fusese parasita de presedintele SUA. Chiar credeti ca dupa toate peripetiile prin care trecuse la filmari ar fi avut de gand sa se omoare pentru ca regizorul nu a aparut o zi , la studio? Kennedy, el fusese motivul." Marilyn intelesese ca presedintele Kennedy o lasase balta. Nu prea avea ce sa faca in legatura cu asta, mai ales ca JFK nu-i raspundea la telefon. Cu toate acestea, urmatoarea poveste celebra care circula despre Marilyn si familia Kennedy sustine urmatoarele:"cand Bobby i-a spus lui Marilyn ca Jack nu mai voia sa auda de ea, nu s-a putut abtine si s-a indragostit si el de ea. Cei doi au avut o aventura plina de pasiune, iar Marilyn a fost mai atasata de el decat de fratele lui. Acest scenariu a fost reluat in nenumarate carti, de-a lungul anilor, de catre biografi respectati. Oare asa au stat lucrurile?(...) Se pare ca, din multe puncte de vedere, au fost...Insa aventura nu pare sa fi fost reala. Noile dovezi sustin ca Bobby, care cel putin la inceput s-a hotarat sa nu fie atat de neindurator ca fratele lui, s-a simtit stanjenit de felul in care fusese tratata Marilyn. Se simtise bine in compania ei, o considera frumoasa, isteata si inteligenta si nu simtise nevoia sa fie crud cu ea.(...) Cam in aceasta perioada, Marilyn le-a spus catorva apropiati ca ea si Bobby aveau o relatie. Aceste persoane au crezut-o.(...) Se putea insa avea incredere in ceea ce spunea? Oare era o sursa credibila pentru astfel de informatii, in special in ultimele sase luni din viata ei, cand se afla intr-o stare emotionala disperata si era dependenta de medicamente?(...) Dupa cum am vazut, Marilyn infrumuseta de multe ori realitatea, din mai multe motive. Nu numai in fata presei, intr-o maniera acceptabila de a-si face publicitate, ci si in fata prietenilor.(...) "Uneori ma gandesc ca da, Bobby a avut o aventura cu Marilyn Monroe", spune Andy Williams. "Insa ma opresc:ce dovezi am? Stiu ca Bobby nu mi-a zis nimic. Ethel nu mi-a zis nimic, iar ea era una ditre cele mai bune prietene ale mele. Asta nu inseamna ca Bobby era un sfant. Cand era vorba de femei, era la fel ca rudele lui. Stiu ca Ethel era constienta de asta si, in anumite privinte, poate ca nu o deranja.(...) Insa despre Bobby si Marilyn, singurele persoane de la care am auzit ceva in sensul asta au fost cele care, se pare, au auzit vestea de la Marilyn. Iar acum, atatia ani mai tarziu, nu stiu ce sa zic...Nu am intalnit-o niciodata pe Marilyn si nu as vrea s-o critic, insa cred ca spunea povesti."(...) Este limpede ca Bobby Kennedy simtea pentru Marilyn macar un pic de afectiune si ca ea avea aceleasi sentimente pentru el.(...) "Pe el nu-l deranja sa vorbeasca cu ea," spune George Smathers, sustinator politic fidel al familiei Kennedy, fost guvernator al Floridei si senator de Florida. "Nu era nimic rau in asta. Ea era singura si trista si il suna sa vorbeasca cu el si sa o linisteasca. Totusi, cu Bobby nu a avut o aventura. Ethel a avut ceva indoieli, la inceput, doar din cauza ca zvonurile au inceput sa apara imediat. Dar Bobby i-a spus lui Ethel ca nu sunt adevarate, iar ea l-a crezut. Marilyn dorea sa devina Prima Doamna, sotia lui JFK, nu sotia lui Bobby. Nu era interesata de Bobby in felul acela. Cei care sustin contrariul habar nu au despre ce vorbesc." Ed Guthman era bun prieten cu Robert Kennedy si i-a insotit pe el si pe Marilyn de cel putin doua ori."Stiu ca nu au avut nici o aventura", sustine el. "N-am avut nici un fel de indoiala. Eram acolo. Am vazut ce se intampla. Va spun, nu era vorba de nici o aventura."(...) "Sa fie limpede", adauga Milt Ebbins, care-i cunostea pe Marilyn si pe RFK. "Despre Marilyn se pot spune multe lucruri, dar nu era o stricata. Ce fel de caracter ar fi avut, sa fi trecut de la un frate la altul? Da, era o persoana senzuala, insa nu ar fi facut asa ceva. Sunt sigur ca nu s-a intamplat nimic."(...) Desigur, se poate spune ca pentru fiecare persoana care crede ca aventura nu a avut loc, exista o alta care zice ca s-a intamplat, inclusiv, se pare, un numar de agenti FBI. Din cauza relatiei mereu tensionate dintre Bobby Kennedy, care, in calitatea sa de procuror general al SUA, era seful Departamentului de Justitie, si J.Edgar Hoover, directorul FBI, care considera ca tanarul Kennedy era un tip obraznic sii n fata caruia nu voia sa dea socoteala, este foarte posibil ca avansarea si perpetuarea "aventurii" dintre Bobby si Marilyn sa fi fost o campanie de dezinformare comandata de Hoover, un mare iubitor de barfe, care le inventa si le dadea mai departe. De fapt, unele dintre dosarele FBI despre Kennedy si Monroe par sa fie scrise de o scolarita amorezata, mai ales pentru ca protagonistii sunt mentionati cu numele mic. O nota publicata in octombrie 2006 sub FIA sustine ca "Robert Kennedy era foarte atasat emotional de Marilyn Monroe." Relatia lor este descrisa ca fiind "o poveste de dragoste si o aventura sexuala". Se mentioneaza ca Bobby "i-a promis de mai multe ori ca va divorta ca sa se casatoreasca cu ea. Pana la urma, Marilyn si-a dat seama ca Bobby nu dorea nici pe departe sa se casatoreasca cu ea." Totusi, cine face aceste afirmatii? "Fostul agent special" care a scris acest raport, si al carui nume este sters, recunoaste ca nu stie care a fost sursa informatiilor si nu poate sa garanteze pentru autenticitatea acestora. Cu toate acestea, marturia respectiva a fost detaliata in dosarele FBI, la 19 octombrie 1964.

"I think that everybody is fascinated by them," says cast-member Bryan Dick. "I don't think there's a person who has not watched a werewolf film or been interested in the fantasy of shapeshifters and that kind of moonlight world. It's very appealing and it's also very sexy."
The story of "Blood and Chocolate" explores the ideea through a star-crossed love story. "It really is about these people just trying to fit in and survive in the modern civilized world", says Agnes Bruckner. "Hopefully, we haven't done an injustice to the myths as they stand, we've just reinvented them and given them a new twist."
Ten years ago, in the remote mountains of Colorado, a young girl watched helplessly as her family was murdered by a pack of angry men for the secret they carried in their blood. She survived by running into the woods, and changing into something the hunters could never find...a wolf.
Living in relative safety in Bucharest, Vivian spends her days working at a chocolate shop and nights trawling the city's underground clubs, fending off the reckless antics of her cousin Rafe and his gang of delinquents he calls "The Five".
Aiden Galvin is an artist researching Bucharest's ancient art and relics for his next graphic novel bassed on the mythology of the loup garoux - shapeshifters whose power to change into the forms of both human and wolf was once considered holy among men. During a chance encounter in an abandoned church celebrating the loup garoux, Aiden comes face to face with the real thing...Vivian. Vivian is among the last of her kind, leading a tenous existance under the protection and control of Gabriel, the powerful and enigmatic leader of one of the last packs of loup garoux on earth. To keep their kind from being hunted to extinction, Gabriel holds them to strict laws. One is that he must take a new bride every seven years, and Vivian has been prophesied to be his next. The other is that the pack must hunt as one or not at all. It is the very key to their survival. On the night of the full moon, the gather as one in the woods outside the city. Though the wolves are outnumbered by man, on the night of the hunt, they can e who they truly are - hunting a single chosen human as a pack. If their prey reaches the other side of the river, he will be allowed to live...but no human has ever reached the river.
Though Vivian has sworn never to kill, she is as much animal as she is human, and her love for Aiden threatens to cast him to the very wolves who saved her life...and who are waiting for their chance to hunt him as prey.

After a group of young girls go missing, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) realize that a group of vampires have taken up residence in the small town. After a fight with two of the blood-suckers, Dean is bitten and turns into a vampire. Samuel (guest star Mitch Pileggi) tells Dean he can change him back but he'd have to get the blood of the vampire who turned him. Dean infiltrates the nest and runs into the Alpha. Jan Eliasburg directed the episode written by Brett Matthews.
Teen star Demi Lovato, PACER’s National Center for Bullying Prevention and Facebook want cyberbullying to end. That’s why they’re teaming up during National Bullying Prevention Month in October to spread the word on how everyone—including teens—can play a part in making cyberspace a safer place. Sponsored by PACER Center, National Bullying Prevention Month encourages communities, families, schools and students to get involved in bullying prevention by using resources at Lovato, Facebook and PACER especially encourage teens to join the cause and show that they care—because no one deserves to be bullied on or offline. Teens can watch Lovato’s video message about the month on her Facebook Page (, “Like” Facebook’s Safety Page ( to find dynamic information about being responsible and keeping safe on the web, and sign the “End of Bullying Begins with Me” petition on PACER’s Facebook Page. “Educating people about the lasting impacts of bullying is a responsibility shared by parents, teachers, organizations like PACER, and services like Facebook,” said Joe Sullivan, Facebook’s Chief Security Officer. “We’re proud to be collaborating with PACER and Demi Lovato on this important initiative, and look forward to working together in the future.” On her official site, Demi Lovato left a letter explaining why she decided to work with PACER.
Hi, I'm Demi Lovato
Thank's for checking out PACER's Teens Against Bullying Web site and for finding out why I have chosen to be a part of this important cause. I was bullied in middle school. It got so bad I chose to leave and be homeschooled. Many people think of bullying as getting beat up in school, but it is so much more than that. For me it was all of the verbal harassment I had to deal with. People say sticks and stones may break your bones but names can never hurt you, but that's not true. Words can hurt. They hurt me. Things were said to me that I still haven't forgotten.
I was lucky, though. I had really supportive parents, other education options, and I had outlets like music and acting. I actually used all of the bullying as a motivation to succeed. I think I have actualy become a stronger person because of it.
But I know that many kids and teens do not have all of the support and outlets I have, and that's why I want to do something about bullying. I want to make it stop. And I've teamed up with PACER and as their spokesperson to create a movement. A bullying prevention movement made up of kids and parents and teachers everywhere who want it to stop, too.
We're going to use the information on this website ( to help people learn how to address bullying. And we're trying to get as many schools as possible to join us in October for National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.
Join me in the movement to put an end to bullying. The end of bullying begins with you.
Season 6 will be a season of mystery and shadow. Heaven and Hell have been left in complete disarray since the apocalyptic events of Season 5. And now, monsters, angels, and demons roam across a lawless and chaotic landscape. And so Dean Winchester, who has retired from hunting and sworn never to return, finds himself being pulled back into his old life—pulled back by none other than Sam Winchester, who has escaped from Hell. The two reunite to beat back the rising tide of creatures and demon-spawn, but they quickly realize that neither are who they used to be, their relationship isn’t what it used to be, and that nothing is what it seems.
For nearly two decades now, Shakira has managed to carve out her own, rather indefinable niche in pop music. On Wednesday (September 29), she premiered the video for "Loca," the first single off her upcoming Sale el Sol album (due October 19). And while it's not exactly a unique artistic endeavor — it echoes sentiments already expressed by the likes of Matt & Kim (in their "Lessons Learned" clip) and Erykah Badu (in her firestormy "Window Seat" vid) — it's still undoubtedly her ... mostly because none of her high-gloss pop contemporaries would ever dare attempt something like it. Shot run-and-gun style in Barcelona, "Loca" follows Shakira and her crew — which includes a few cameramen and, somewhat improbably, British rapper Dizzee Rascal — on a madcap adventure that includes roller-skating, public wardrobe changes, motorcycle cruising, an illicit hop in a public fountain (a move that landed her in hot, uh, water with local authorities) and, of course, plenty of hip shaking. It's a decidedly guerrilla endeavor that appears to have been done on a budget hovering around zero (aside from a performance scene, the entire thing appears to have been shot on handheld cameras). Shakira has plenty to lose. Her albums are big events, things that resonate across continents, and it would be rather easy (or, at least, expected) for her to come out of the gate with a big-budget, glossy pop video. Instead, we get "Loca," which is none of those things, and is probably better because of that. And though it features some near-nudity and some illegal activity, the thing that resonates most about the "Loca" video is that none of that bad behavior is played up for shock value. Instead, it all helps match the kinetic, herky-jerky energy of the song itself. "Loca" is the rare video that doesn't attempt to outshine the song it's based on. Instead, it complements it. This is a very lively song, after all, so what better way to capture that than with a very lively video? There's a calculated madness to the "Loca" video, a vibrant, unchained energy, the kind very few artists can conjure up, no matter how big the budget. And, come to think of it, that's a pretty accurate way of summing up Shakira's entire career.
S-au scris carti si au iesit DVD-uri pe tema filmului "Something's Got to Give", deci iata cat a fost de problematica aceasta productie, inca de la inceput.La scenariu au lucrat cinci scenaristi diferiti, printre care insusi Wlater Bernstein, care nu a fost deloc stralucit, insa. Filmul a depasit bugetul inca dinainte de inceperea filmarilor.(...) Directorul Fox, Peter Levathes, stia sigur ca o vedeta precum Marilyn avea sa provoace multe probleme pe platou din cauza starii ei de sanatate, asa ca l-a numit pe Greenson responsabil cu Marilyn - el trebuia sa se asigure ca Marilyn venea la filmari in fiecare zi.(...) Marilyn si-a ales ce regizor a vrut, pe George Cukor, si ce protagonist a vrut, pe Dean Martin. Jean Louis i-a creat costumele. Machiorul ei personal, Whitey Snyder, era prezent pe platou, dar si Sydney Guilaroff de la MGM, care i-a creat o coafura noua de un blond platinat. Insa Marilyn nu avea forta sa se lupte cu problemele care au tinut-o departe de platou 16 zile din cele 17 de la inceputul filmarilor. Marilyn avea sa dea vina pe o gramada de boli ca sa-si justifice absenta: sinuzita, insomnie, raceala, pierderea vocii, extenuare. Studioul a angajat trei doctori care sa fie prezenti pe platou in fiecare zi: un ORL-ist, un internist si un psihiatru. E greu sa urmarim DVD-ul cu documentarul "Marilyn:Something's Got to Give", care contine o privire cuprinzatoare asupra productiei acestui film; e si mai greu, daca ne gandim ce viata si cariera ar fi avut Marilyn daca nu ar fi fost atat de putin increzatoare in sine, daca nu ar fi fost doborata de nesigurante, relatii nefericite, paranoia si deznadejde. Totusi, in mod remarcabil, Cukor a reusit sa surprinda pe film cateva secvente de exceptie, in care Marilyn era, fara exagerare, mai frumoasa, mai atragatoare, mai Marilyn Monroe ca niciodata. Cum a reusit sa arate atat de bine in film, in ciuda cosmarului permanent din viata ei, a ramas un mister pana in ultima zi a vietii ei. A slabit 8 kilograme inainte de probele pentru machiaj si costume si arata extraordinar de tanara si in forma foarte buna. Bineinteles, nu mai lua medicamente, ceea ce ar putea sa explice scaderea in greutate. Silueta subtire i-a dat mult mai multa incredere in ea.(...) Pasea cu o eleganta regasita, era minunat sa o privesti.(...) Dupa aproximativ 40 de ani de cand Fox a concediat-o pe Marilyn si a anulat productia, studioul a salvat 37 de minute de film si a introdus o parte din ele in documentar, care a rulat ca documentar special de televiziune. "Maica-sa era nebuna, biata Marilyn era nebuna", avea sa spuna Cukor dupa aceea. Dupa ce si-a dat seama ca o sa aiba probleme cu el, Marilyn a incercat sa-l aduca pe platou pe scenaristul Nunnally Johnson ca sa-l inlocuiasca, insa nu a avut succes. Johnson isi amintea:"Marilyn era nevrozata. Chiar daca ar fi fost suficienti de zapaciti incat sa ma lase sa-i iau locul lui George, negresit s-ar fi intamplat ceva si Marilyn m-ar fi urat la fel de tare si pe mine. Marilyn continua sa se indeparteze din ce in ce mai tare de realitate."(...) Cu siguranta, lui Marilyn nu-i statea mintea la filmul "Something's Got to Give", chiar daca isi dadea toata silinta. De cand petrecuse acel weekend cu presedintele, in Palm Springs, Marilyn Monroe parea ca avea o singura preocupare:presedintele John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Rupert Allan isi aminteste:"Stiu doar ca parea obsedata de presedinte. Nu era foarte clar ce se intampla intre ei, insa stiu c nu se intampla cine stie ce. Din comportamentul ei mi-am dat seama ca-si dorea mai mult." Un agent al Serviciilor Secrete care a lucrat in timpul administratiei Kennedy adauga:"Il suna sau, mai bine zis, incerca sa il sune. Foarte des. Dorea sa-l vada. S-a exprimat foarte clar. Toata lumea stia lucrul asta." Nu este greu sa intelegem de ce s-a atasat Marilyn atat de repede de presedintele Kennedy. Bolnava de schizofrenie paranoida cronica, suferea de multe ori de accese de paranoia. Se stie ca era filata de FBI. Este posibil ca si alte servicii sa o fi urmarit in acea perioada, strict din cauza legaturii ei cu Arthur Miller. Bineinteles ca avea motive sa fie ingrijorata. Poate ca se gandea ca a gasit in JFK persoana cea mai potrivita sa o protejeze. La urma urmei, el avea sub control departamentul de aparare al SUA.(...) Fara indoila, era cel mai puternic om pe care-l cunoscuse vreodata.(...) Nu stapanea o camera, stapanea lumea.(...) Pentru a intelege obsesia lui Marilyn pentru JFK, trebuie amintit si faptul ca era o femeie careia, mai presus de orice, i iera frica sa ramana singura. Din nefericire, circumstantele vietii ei o obligau sa fie singura in marea majoritate a timpului.(...) A luat decizii cand era singura, ingrozita de ceea ce avea sa i se intample, de ce cosmar avea sa mai traiasca odata cu venirea diminetii.(...) Din nefericire, Marilyn era ultima grija a presedintelui. Nici macar nu-i mai raspundea la telefoanele pe care le dadea la Casa Alba. George Jacobs, prietenul si valetul lui Frank Sinatra, a participat la multe conversatii cu JFK, pe vremea cand presedintele se simtea bine la Sinatra acasa."Am petrecut suficient timp in compania lui ca sa-mi dau seama ca, pentru el, nici o femeie nu era sacra, nici macar sotia lui. Era ca Alexandru cel Mare, simtea nevoia sa cucereasca lumea. Pentru el, Marilyn a fost inca o cucerire, inca un trofeu - poate Marele Alb de la Hollywood, dar tot un numar, nu o poveste de dragoste."(...) "Jack o terminase cu ea dupa Palm Springs", spune senatorul George Smathers.(...) Jackie era obisnuita cu infidelitatile lui Kennedy, insa aceasta a deranjat-o. Stia din auzite ca Marilyn era o femeie cu probleme. Nu era furioasa, era degustata.(...) Eram surprins. Stiam ca Jackie are influenta asupra lui Jack, insa nu atat de mare, atat de mare incat sa provoace sfarsitul relatiei presedintelui cu o vedeta de cinema. Insa se pare ca a reusit."(...)"Daca Kennedy ar fi rezolvat altfel situatia cu Marilyn, poate ca lucrurile nu ar fi luat o intorsatura atat de urata," spune Rupert Allan. "Insa felul in care s-a ferit de ea nu a fost deloc laudabil."(...) Kennedy nu i-a spus niciodata raspicat lui Marilyn ca nu mai vroia sa aiba de-a face cu ea si ca relatia lor avea sa se limiteze la ce se intamplase intre ei in Palm Springs. Conform surselor, pur si simplu nu i-a mai raspuns la telefoanele pe care le dadea la Casa Alba.(...) Insa Marilyn se gandea la el. "Marilyn era obsedata si nevrotica," spune Diane Stevens."Sa recunoastem, era nebuna. Lua medicamente si nu gandea limpedesi a luat-o razna cand s-a intalnit cu Jack. Sincer, nu inteleg de ce. Fusese vorba doar de un weekend. Insa, nu stiu din ce motiv, povestea asta a dus la nenorocirea care s-a intamplat. Fptul ca nu-i raspundea la telefon a innebunit-o." Pat Kennedy Lawford nu mai avusese parte de o vizita neanuntata alui Marilyn, insa la 8 aprilie, la vre-o doua saptamani dupa weekendul lui Marilyn cu fratele ei, Jack, a aparut acasa la Pat pe neasteptate. (...) Dupa spusele unei prietene a lui Pat, care era acolo in ziua respectiva, Marilyn "a dat buzna pe plaja" in timp ce Pat juca volei, sarind si topaind fara coechipier.(...) Dupa cateva minute in care au schimbat amabilitati, timp in care Pat a fost neobisnuit de tacuta, Marilyn a inceput sa vorbeasca despre Jack, fratele ei. I-a spus ca avusese dreptate si ca fratele ei avea o prestanta impunatoare. Pat se uita fix la Marilyn.(...) Ceea ce stim despre conversatie, pentru ca Pat a pomenit despre asta, este ca Marilyn a intrebat-o pana la urma pe Pat care este numarul direct al presedintelui, la Casa Alba. Pat nu a vrut sa i-l dea, explicandu-i ca singurul numar de la Washington al fratelui ei pe care-l avea era numarul sau personal sau, cum s-a exprimat ea, "numarul de telefon al familiei". Marilyn a abandonat subiectul de cateva ori, insa l-a reluat. Obsesia ei pentru numarul de telefon al lui Jack a deranjat-o pe Pat, care mai tarziu avea sa marturiseasca:"Nu o mai vazusem niciodata pe Marilyn atat de incordata si innebunita."(...) Nu se stie daca Marilyn a folosit vreodata numarul pe care l-a obtinut de la Pat Kennedy; in acea perioada s-a intamplat ceva care sugereaza ca i-a telefonat lui JFK pe numarul respectiv, pentru ca in primavara lui 1962 Kennedy l-a insarcinat pe procurorul general, Bobby Kennedy, sa-i spuna lui Marilyn sa nu mai sune la Casa Alba. De asemenea, lui Bobby i s-a spus sa-i comunice lui Marilyn ca relatia cu el (sau ceea ce credea ea ca se intamplase intre ei) se terminase si ca Marilyn trebuia sa-si vada de treburile ei.
The Jonas Brothers have released their new music video for the song “Hey You,” off of their “JONAS L.A.” Listen below and then be sure to tune in to the next episode of the Disney Channel Original Series “JONAS L.A.” titled “America’s Sweetheart” where you will be able to watch the video as part of the show.
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole is a 2010 computer-animated fantasy film loosely based on the first three books (The Capture, The Journey, and The Rescue) of the series Guardians of Ga'Hoole by Kathryn Lasky. Zack Snyder directed the film, with Jim Sturgess, Geoffrey Rush, Ryan Kwanten, Emily Barclay, Anthony LaPaglia, and David Wenham voicing the characters. Warner Bros. distributed the film with the Australian companies Village Roadshow Pictures and Animal Logic, the latter having produced visual effects for Happy Feet. Soren is a young adventurous Barn Owl who loves hearing stories from his father Noctus about the legend of the Guardians of Ga'Hoole, a legendary alliance of owls that are sworn to protect the Kingdom of Ga'Hoole. His younger sister Eglantine is enamoured by these stories, but their older brother, Kludd is jealous of the attention Soren receives. One night, while branching, Soren and Kludd accidentally fall out of their tree. They are attacked by a tasmanian devil and then captured by owls working for the evil Metalbeak and his mate Nyra. Incredibly, Soren and group of fearless young owls manage to stage a daring escape. With the future of the owl kingdoms hanging in the balance, brave Soren and his newfound friends travel to the ends of the earth in hopes of finding the mythical Great Tree and convincing the Guardians of Ga'Hoole to help defeat the Pure Ones once and for all. Legend of the Guardians took in $4.5 million on opening day, ranking third at the box office. It ranked second on Saturday, earning $6 million, and was #1 on Sunday, earning $4.6 million.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment released a game based on the movie, as well as including some elements from the books.
Paris Hilton breaks out her acting chops as she joins Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles on an episode of Supernatural.


