Pumpkin carving is a popular part of modern America's Halloween celebration. Pumpkins can be found everywhere in the country, from doorsteps to dinner tables during this period. People have been making jack o'lanterns at Halloween for centuries. The practice originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed "Stingy Jack". According to the story, Stingy Jack invited the Devil to have a drink with him. But he didn't want to pay for his drink, so he convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin that Jack could use to buy their drinks. Once the Devil did so, Jack decided to keep the money and put into his pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form. Jack eventually freed the Devil under the condition that he would not bother him for one year, and when he should die, the Devil would not claim his soul. The next year, Jack again tricked the Devil into climbing into a tree to pick a piece of fruit. While he was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree so that the Devil could not come down until he promised Jack not to bother him for 10 more years. Soon after, Jack died. As the legend goes, God didn't allowed his soul into Heaven. The Devil, upset by the trick Jack had played on him and due to the fact that he had to keep his word about claiming his soul, didn't allowed Jack into Hell. Instead, he sent Jack off into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way; and so, Jack has been roaming the Earth ever since.

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Taiwan's first ever slasher-horror film. The story revolves around five friends at a party, fully unaware that the special night is just a cover for an evening of torture and murder. Ordinary young people often dream of the unreachable life of the worlds idle rich. Wade, Richard, Hitomi, Holly and Lin certainly do. They have all received an invitation to an exclusive party held by a group of rich and famous people. It is the best party ever, and also, a wishing game takes place where their deepest desires materialize. But when they find Richards body brutally killed, the wishing game turns into a killing one in which they are the tortured victims and the rich audience - the sadistic spectators. To escape from the party and survive becomes their only dream.

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Mother, you're special in so many ways. You lighten the nights and brighten the days. There's so much love in your warm embrace. No one could ever take your place. Through the years you've given so much. You've always had that special touch. My mother, my teacher, my best friend too.. Mother you know how much I love you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY , MOM!

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Cand a jucat prima data intr-un film, "The Shocking Miss Pilgrim", avea aproape douazeci de ani si era mai frumoasa ca oricand, cu ochii albastri-cobalt si parul blond si neted ca matasea. Din pacate, rolul ei in Miss Pilgrim a fost de foarte scurta durata, aparand intr-un singur cadru rapid in rolul de telefonista.(...) Vor mai urma patru filme, asta daca numaram si musicalul "You were mant for me", al lui Jeanne Crain-Dan Dailey, incadrat in unele surse in filmografia lui Monroe.(...) Dupa aceea, in august 1974, cei de la studio hotarara sa nu ii mai reinnoiasca contractul. Impresarul ei, Harry Lipton, isi aminteste: "Cand i-am spus ca Fox nu mai voia sa colaboreze, Marilyn a reactionat ca si cum lumea din jurul ei s-ar fi prabusit. Apoi a scuturat din cap, si-a inaltat privirea si a spus:<> Intelesese deja cum mergea treaba in industria filmului si era doar un novice. Stia ca studiourile semneaza contracte cu multi actori si cei care aveau succes peste noapte ramaneau, iar ceilalti care se straduiau, erau pana la urma indepartati. Cu toate acestea, viata trebuia sa mearga mai departe."(...) La sfarsitul anului, Marilyn a contractat pentru scurt timp serviciile unor noi "impresari", Lucille Ryman si John Carroll. Insa acestia nu erau tocmai impresari. Carroll era un actor cu multe relatii si Lucille era directorul departamentului de talente de la MGM si cunostea, la randul ei, multa lume.(...) Lucille, sotia lui Carroll, a sustinut insistent ca Marilyn le-a spus, ei si sotului sau, ca in acea perioada lucra ca prostituata, facand sex de ocazie cu barbati necunoscuti, in masina, pentru a castiga bani de mancare. "Ne-a spus fara mandrie dar si fara rusine ca facuse un targ - facea ce facea si clientii ii faceau apoi cinste cu micul dejun sau cu pranzul." Lucille a mai povestit si ca Marilyn i-a spus ca micutul apartament in care locuia fusese calcat de hoti si ca ii era frica sa mai stea acolo. Lucrurile mergeau atat de rau, incat trebuia sa continue sa lucreze pe strada. Mai mult, ii povestise ca fusese violata la varsta de noua ani si ca la unsprezece ani facea sex in fiecare zi. "Era un fel de a ne spune sa o luam in grija noastra si am acceptat."(...) Se stia ca Marilyn inventa cateodata povesti pentru a castiga simpatia celorlalti. Si acest fapt complica mult lucrurile atunci cand cineva doreste sa afle daca un anumit episod din viata ei este real sau un produs al bogatei sale imaginatii.

Cand a inceput sa lucreze cu Natasha, Marilyn era ca un diamant neslefuit. I se putea transmite foarte usor orice tip de viziune artistica. "Ca om era aproape total lipsita de tarie," va spune Natasha despre ea. " Poti spune ca se temea de propria-i umbra, atat era de nesigura si de timida, nestiind niciodata ce sa zica.(...) Am incercat sa o fac sa-si indrepte atentia spre sine, spre propriile ei experiente, dar nu cred ca a facut vreodata asta. Marilyn isi nega propria personalitate, cu exceptia atractiei pe care o exercita asupra barbatilor, atractie in care avea incredere. Stia ca da rezultate - si atragea prin gratie la fel ca o inotatoare sau ca o balerina." Helena Albert era o eleva a Natashei in aceasta perioada si, de asemenea, confidenta ei. "Natasha sarea deseori calul," si-a amintit ea. "A facut asta si cu mine. Dar, de cand a aparut Marilyn in peisaj, nimeni altcineva nu a mai contat atat de mult. Sunt de parere ca Marilyn ar fi trebuit sa se retraga atunci cand si-a dat seama cat de mult tinea Natasha la ea; dar, in loc sa faca asta, a transformat acest lucru intr-un avantaj. Pentru Natasha era o tortura. In schimb, pentru Marilyn, nu era chiar asa. Avea o profesoara priceputa,, o femeie inteligenta in viata ei - o persoana pe care o putea admira si de la care avea ce sa invete." (...) Era limpede faptul ca Marilyn, nu numai ca isi pierduse rabdarea fata de Natasha, dar era si foarte rece cu ea si deloc intelegatoare.(...) "Adevarul este ca viata si sentimentele mele erau aproape in totalitate in mainile ei," va spune Natasha Lytess multi ani mai tarziu. "Eu eram femeia mai in varsta, profesoara, insa era constienta de profunzimea sentimentelor pe care i le purtam si exploata acele trairi cum numai o persoana tanara si frumoasa putea sa o faca. Spunea mereu ca dintre noi, ea era cea saraca. Din pacate, era exact invers. Am petrecut alaturi de ea o perioada de permanenta renegare a propriei mele persoane." Si acest lucru avea sa mai dureze - inca sase ani foarte lungi.

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The fourth season of Ghost Whisperer is now on DVD since September 2009. This is the cover art for it.

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Ellen Dubin's three-year investigation of the Devil is over. Her fate is sealed. And now, The Collector lives on, only on DVD. As reporter Jeri Slate, she takes a keen interest in Morgan Pym, once a German monk who, centuries ago, made a deal with the Devil to collect the souls of others in exchange for 10 years with his one true love. In the present day, he spends 48 hours with each of his employer's intended "victim's", helping them seek redemption. If they fail to do so, that person's soul ends up going to Hell. The actress makes her debut in The Collector in the first season opener, "The Rapper", in which Morgan must convince his client, a rap star, that his past 10 years of success carries a steep price tag.

Besides being a journalist, Jeri Slate is also a widow and the single parent of an autistic son, Gabriel. "A number of my character's scenes were done talking on the telephone and those are always challenging when you have to do a lot of solo acting," she notes. "I also worked a great deal with Aidan Drummond, a wonderful young actor who played Jeri's son. I watched him grow from six years old to eight, and while I obviously couldn't replace his real mom, I became his on-set mom. I'm not a parent in real life, but I am quite maternal, so I always felt very protective of Aidan and I think it came across in our work."

Having been around for a while, Morgan knows how to handle himself when people start asking questions about him and his otherworldly dealings. At the same time, Jeri Slate is certainly determined to unravel the mystery surrounding him. This creates an interesting dynamic between the two. "My character and Chris Kramer's are caught up in a game of cat and mouse," explains Dubin. "Having said that, I find playing adversarial roles fascinating, and it just sort of happened with me and Chris. We both have a mischievous quality to our acting, which sparked our onscreen chemistry, and I think audiences responded to that". After months of trying to figure out just who Morgan Pym is, Jeri Slate's curiosity about him intensifies in the second season of The Collector.

"Every time Morgan is in the room, something weird happens," notes Dubin. "She's starting to get close to the truth that something is not right with him and that we're dealing with darker issues in terms of the supernatural. Jeri doesn't know if it's the Devil, Hell or what exactly; she can't put her finger on it." The game of cat and mouse between Jeri and Morgan takes on a new dimension in season two's "The Campaign Manager". "In this story, I'm constantly chasing Chris Kramer's character and getting very close to the fact that there's something really not right with this man. Jeri is starting to realize that Morgan may have ties to the Devil, and the two of them have this long and slippery chase scene during a cold and rainy Vancouver day." The Collector may have ended production, but thanks to it being aired in 65 countries, Dubin still receives fan mail about her work in it. "I hear from fans in places like Serbia, China, Japan, there's even a Russian fan club for the show."

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Women empowered with supernatural abilities can be found in all ancient cultures. Those who practiced magic, divination and the performance of supernatural acts, served both a positive and a negative purpose. Within the Christian framework, however, witchcraft ran counter to religion and later became identified with the works of the Devil. Witches are practitioners of witchcraft and generally are skilled in sorcery and magical arts. Throughout the most part of the history, they have been feared because of the fact they were thought to be vindictive, cast evil spells upon others and consort with evil spirits. In ancient Greece and Rome, they were renowned for their herbal knowledge, magical potions and supernatural powers. Later, witches were considered a physical manifestation of evil and a threat to society's moral and religious fiber. This was the era of witch hunts and witch trials, a period that lasted from 1400 to 1700, culminating in the famous Salem witch trials of the late 1600s.

Different types of people were considered witches. Women who concocted herbal remedies were suspect, as were midwives. Superstition dictated that someone who owned a black cat might be a witch, using the pet as her familiar. Typical targets of witchcraft accusations were the old, poor, unprotected, widows and the unmarried. Belief in and fear of witches inspired violent behavior. Those accused of witchcraft might have to succumb to a trial by drowning. The suspected witch would be held underwater. If she drowned, she had been falsely accused. If she survived, she was a witch and had to be killed. Another method of killing witches was to tie them to a stake and burn them alive. Common legends and superstitions said that witches had intercourse with the Devil to gain supernatural powers. These powers allowed them to cause illness, death, storms, crop failure and mental breakdowns. The belief was that witches could summon other entities, such as demons, succubi and imps to assist them. Authorities told citizens that the accused witches were a threat to Christianity and followed Satan by practicing magic. Any act that had no obvious explanation was blamed on witches: diseases, houses burning down or animals dying. The women that were targeted were older, didn't have much money and lived alone. Almost 300 women were accused of witchcraft just in a 100-year period, the worst of the witch trials. Many women died who were most likely not doing anything wrong. Many women were hunted and accused for practically no reason at all, thanks to church influence. Because of the church's fear of the unknown at this time, many women lost their lives. The witch hysteria of Europe reached England during reign of Elizabeth I, who feared witches and believed witchcraft to be an act of rebellion against God. The persecution of witches began in 1563 and lasted until 1736, period referred to as the "burning times". People accused of witchcraft during the burning times were, predominately, falsely accused Christians. Accused witches were often women, usually poor and widowed. Some of them were folk healers and midwives who had knowledge of herbs and brews - a common associated with the practice of witchcraft. Most accusers were themselves women, or children claiming to have been bewitched. Accusers were, most likely, just people who suffered misfortunes or illnesses they were unable to understand, and so the blame was placed on supernatural forces. The Salem witch trials took place between 1692 and 1693, when the niece and daughter of Reverend Parris began displaying strange symptoms. It was decided that they were under the influence of Satan, and had been bewitched by someone. Accusations and a large scale witch hunt begin, with more young girls claiming they too had been bewitched. Once someone was accused of being a witch, they had to stand trial and undergo witch tests. The sink test involved tying rocks to the accused and placing them in water. If they sank, they were proclaimed innocent. If they floated, they were pronounced a witch and were then hanged. The Satan's mark test involved a body search for a black mark of Satan. If found, the black mark was often poked with needles to see if the person felt pain or bled. If they did not, they were pronounced a witch. The prayer test was another common test. The accused was asked to recite the Lord's Prayer. If they recited it flawlessly, without problem, they were proclaimed innocent. If the accused stumbled over words or made a mistake during their recitation, they were considered guilty of witchcraft. Over 150 people were accused of witchcraft. Most of the witch trials occurred in the 14th and 15th centuries and, eventually, authorities stopped believing in the superstition of witches.

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Candie's, which is the exclusive juniors brand at Kohl's Department Stores, has signed an exclusive partnership with Britney Spears. Candie's and Kohl's also will be heavily integrated into all of Britney's upcoming promotional activities. "I'm so excited to be the face for Candie's Only at Kohl's," Spears said in a press release. "Candie's and Kohl's are doing such great things with my tour. It's great to work with a line that has such cool clothes and accessories."

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Puya si Dan Balan si-au lansat doua videoclipuri noi, mult mai comerciale decat cele cu care ne-au obisnuit pana acum..!

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Inspirata de Ana si de aprobarea entuziasta a multor altor persoane cu care discutase in primele luni ale anului 1946, Norma Jeane a inceput sa isi imagineze posibilitatea unui viitor la Hollywood.(...) Lucrurile au decurs de la sine si Norma Jeane a avut in curand o intrevedere cu Ben Lyon, care recruta noi talente si se ocupa cu distribuirea rolurilor pentru studiourile 20th Century-Fox (...) Doua zile mai tarziu, Norma Jeane se gasea la studiourile 20th Century-Fox, pe platourile noului film al lui Betty Grable numit "Mother Wore Tights", unde urma sa dea prima proba de ecran.(...) Dupa ce i s-a dat sa se schimbe intr-o rochie cu crinolina lunga pana la pamant, Norma Jeane a fost rugata sa se aseze in fata camerei de filmat si sa execute cateva miscari simple.(...) In timp ce statea pentru prima data in fata unei camere de filmat, emotionata si rusinata, Norma Jeane se transforma brusc intr-o femeie total relaxata, extrem de sigura pe sine si, cel mai important, de o frumusete radioasa. "Mi-am spus ca fata aceasta va fi urmatoarea Jean Harlow," si-a amintit Leon Shamroy in urma acestui test. "Frumusetea ei naturala, impreuna cu complexul de inferioritate ii dadeau un anumit aer de mister. Am simtit un fior. Fata asta avea ceva ce nu mai vazusem de pe vremea filmelor mute. Avea o frumusete fantastica, precum Gloria Swanson, si isi imprima sexualitatea pe film, la fel ca Jean Harlow. Fiecare cadru din film emana sex. Nu avea nevoie de sunet, pentru ca ea crea efectele in mod vizual. Ne arata faptul ca putea vinde sentimente prin film." (...) Chiar inainte de incheierea contractului cu 20th Century-Fox, Norma Jeane Dougherty fu chemata in biroul lui Ben Lyon. Exista o problema: numele ei. Lyon ii explica faptul ca dupa parerea lui, numele ei de familie era prea greu de pronuntat.(...) Intr-un final, ea si Lyon ajunsera la numele Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn dupa actrita Marilyn Miller (...), care semana oarecum cu Norma Jeane(...) si Monroe, dupa numele de fata al mamei ei. "Ei bine," a spus ea intr-un final cu o stralucire amuzata in ochi, "se pare ca sunt Marilyn Monroe".
La scurt timp dupa aceea, Norma Jeane s-a speriat foarte tare cand a primit un telefon de la impresara ei, Emmeline Snively, care ii spuse: "Voiam doar sa te anunt ca a trecut mama ta pe aici." Se pare ca, in dimineata aceea, Gladys se trezise, isi imbracase uniforma de asistenta medicala, chemase un taxi si se dusese la hotelul Ambassador, unde era si sediul companiei Blue Book, unde lucra Snively. Intrase direct in biroul lui Snively si i-a spus ca era tare nemultumita de cariera fiicei sale si ca dorea sa o convinga sa renunte. Snively se aratase putin surprinsa, dar se comportase bine. Ii spusese ca aceasta era o problema intre mama si fiica si deci trebuia rezolvata intre Gladys si Norma Jeane. Gladys plecase, dar nu inainte de a-i spune lui Snively: "E foarte gresit ca le permiteti fetelor tinere sa vina aici si sa isi strice viata cu pozele voastre." Cand Snively i-a explicat toate acestea, Norma Jeane a fost, dupa cum era de asteptat, rusinata si suparata. Gladys o intrebase odata cine o ajuta in cariera si Norma Jeane ii spusese ca Snively, dar nu isi putuse imagina ca Gladys ar fi fost in stare sa o caute si sa stea de vorba cu ea. In seara aceea, cele doua au avut un schimb destul de dur de replici pe acea tema. Acesta s-a terminat atunci cand Norma Jeane i-a cerut mamei sale sa nu se mai bage niciodata in cariera ei.(...) O persoana care o va cunoaste pe Gladys intr-un azil, in anii 1970, va enunta o teorie interesanta cu privire la devotamentul lui Marilyn fata de Stiinta Crestina: "Daca stam sa ne gandim bine, ne dam seama ca Marilyn studiase mereu interactiunile dintre oameni: ce reactii aveau oamenii fata de ea daca se prezenta intr-un anumit fel, cum erau atrasi de ea daca era altfel. Ce trebuia sa faca pentru a fi iubita? Cred ca studia mereu toate astea pentru ca stia ca mama ei nu are o sanatate mintala buna. Si cred ca stia ca si ea avea o oarecare predispozitie la acest tip de probleme, pentru ca destinele bunicii si mamei ei fusesera asemanatoare. Asa ca intreg conceptul de intelegere a creierului omenesc si de schimbare a vietii o atrageau foarte mult. Era ca si cum spera sa descopere ceva maret, ca si cum ar fi spus: <<>> Cred ca intotdeauna se temuse ca in interiorul ei se afla ceva gata sa se declanseze in orice moment."

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Acest articol participa la concursul Radio Whisper! "Music is well said to be the speech of angels" a scris Thomas Carlyle cu ani in urma! Cu alte cuvinte...sa scrii despre muzica este ca si cand ai scrie despre o opera de arta. De multe ori...acest lucru inseamna sa faci un review asupra unui concert, piesa sau solist, dar muzica inseamna mai mult de atat; este acea poezie a aerului care iti inunda sufletul cu fiecare nota ce-ti ajunge la inima. Muzica a patruns in viata mea odata cu primele piese al Madonnei, Celine sau ale talentatei Mariah Carey. Cu timpul, am ajuns sa le ador pe Britney si Christina Aguilera, si inca mai ascult "Baby One More Time" sau "Genie In A Bottle" pentru ca au fost singurele melodii pe care am ajuns sa le categorisesc drept hituri peste noapte la vremea respectiva..Cum poti avea o viata fara muzica din moment ce muzica este peste tot in jurul tau, te inconjoara si face parte din propria ta experienta de viata, din inima si gandurile tale? Pentru mine, muzica a fost tovarasul meu de joaca, iubirea mea, pasiunea mea. Cred ca muzica este unul dintre cele mai bune mijloace de a te bucura de viata. Intotdeauna pentru mine ea a fost mai presus de orice cuvinte, asemeni literaturii inimii pentru ca, precum zice un proverb..."music is love in search of a word".

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The croissants have a long history in Europe, and even longer in the Middle East. In the Parisian World's Fair of 1889, among the many exotic breads made by bakers from the eastern baking and pastry mecca of Vienna, were some very rich, crescent-shaped rolls. A popular fair item, the design apparently kicked around the bakeries of Paris for a few years before some clever baker thought to fashion the crescents out of a laminated dough. The recipe for the innovation first appears in a French cookbook in 1905. And the rest as they say is history! Today, the croissant is practically the national bread of France, where it is eaten almost exclusively for breakfast with a good strong cup of coffee on the side. And the most popular varieties aren't made with real butter. They're made from margarine, which yields a crispier, tougher product.

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Morgan's new client, Edwin Yancy, turns out to be a sweet, gentle man whose success has been in writing popular children's books. Morgan is puzzled by what harm Edwin could possibly have done, and his search is hampered by constant visions of death and violence from his past that he doesn't seem to be able to stop.

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Exista multe capodopere literare care s-au pastrat in sufletele noastre de-a lungul timpului..iar "Dama cu Camelii" este una dintre acestea. Nuvela scrisa de Alexandre Dumas-fiul a fost publicata in 1848 si, mai apoi, adaptata pentru scena. Ca piesa de teatru a avut premiera la Teatrul du Vaudeville din Paris pe 2 februarie 1852 si datorita succesului sau, Giuseppe Verdi s-a grabit sa puna povestea pe muzica, ceea ce a dus la cea mai mare si mai cunoscuta piesa de opera din toate timpurile-"La Traviata"-aparuta in 1853, in care numele pricipal din roman a fost inlocuit cu "Violetta Valery". In literatura engleza, "Dama cu Camelii" a devenit cunoscuta sub numele de "Camille" si 16 versiuni ale acestei povesti au avut loc pe Brodway.Totul a inceput in anul 1844, cand Alexandre Dumas s-a stabilit in Saint-Germain impreuna cu tatal sau. Acolo a intalnit-o prima oara pe tanara curtezana Marie Duplessis care a devenit inspiratia lui pentru aceasta nuvela romantica. Marie Duplessis a fost atat o curtezana, cat si o dama de companie pentru multi barbati bogati din Franta. S-a nascut sub numele de Rose Alphonsine Plessis in Normandy, intr-o familie saraca. Bunica ei a fost prostituata,iar bunicul sau preot. Dupa ce mama ei s-a angajat ca servitoare la o familie din Paris, a lasat-o pe Marie in grija unui var. Dupa ce mama sa a murit cand Marie avea doar 8 ani, fata a fost data in grija tatalui sau. Cand a implinit 13 ani, acesta a realizat ca ar putea castiga multi bani de pe urma ei decat sa o lase sa lucreze intr-o spalatorie, asa ca a vandut-o unui burlac instarit pe nume Plantier, care a tinut-o un an, dupa care a inapoiat-o tatalui ei. Intr-un final, nemaidorind sa o aiba in grija, acesta a decis sa o trimita sa locuiasca la niste rude in Paris, care aveau o brutarie. Ajunsa acolo, Marie s-a angajat la un magazin de haine, pentru o perioada scurta de timp. Marie Duplessis era, in mod evident, o femeie extrem de atractiva. Cand a ajuns la varsta de 16 ani si-a dat seama ca barbati influenti din Franta doreau sa-i ofere bani in schimbul companiei sale, atat in locuri private, cat si la diverse evenimente publice. A devenit o curtezana si a invatat sa citeasca si sa scrie, astfel incat sa poata purta o conversatie cu clienti de diferite statuturi sociale. Pe langa faptul ca Duplessis a devenit o curtezana foarte cunoscuta, ea era, totodata, si proprietara unui salon unde politicieni, scriitori si artisti tineau diverse intruniri. Dar poate toate acestea nu ar fi devenit cunoscute de o lume intreaga daca Marie nu l-ar fi cunoscut pe Alexandre Dumas intr-o zi de septembrie. Ea a devenit dama lui de companie intre septembrie 1844 si august 1845, pentru ca, mai apoi, acesta sa imortalizeze povestea lor de dragoste in acest minunat roman citit de sute de oameni din toate timpurile. Marie Duplessis a murit de tuberculoza la varsta de 23 de ani, pe 5 februarie 1847. Doi dintre fostii ei amanti, Contele Von Stakelberg si Contele Edouard de Perregaux cu care a fost casatorita o perioada scurta de timp, i-au fost alaturi. La cateva zile dupa moartea sa, toate lucrurile ei au fost puse sub sechestru si totusi, la inmormantarea ce a avut loc in cimitirul Montmatre, au asistat sute de oameni. Nuvela lui Dumas a aparut la un an dupa moartea ei...In carte, Dumas devine "Armand Duval" si Duplessis "Marguerite Gautier" in romantica poveste dintre un tanar aristocrat si o frumoasa curtezana adulata de mii de barbati din intreaga Franta. Stiind ca nu mai are mult de trait datorita bolii incurabile de care suferea, Marguerite Gautier traieste intens si savureaza fiecare clipa a vietii pe care a ales-o, pana cand, destinul ii ofera un dar nepretuit: iubirea pura, care ia nastere in momentul in care il intalneste pe Armand Duval. Dupa ce devine amanta lui si se indragosteste de el, cei doi decid sa se mute impreuna la tara, departe de societatea in care traiau. Renegat de familie si plin de datorii, Armand este confruntat de tatal sau, care ii cere sa puna capat acestei relatii. Cand Armand refuza, tatal lui o convinge pe Marguerite sa renunte la iubitul sau pentru a-i asigura un viitor mai bun si a-i proteja reputatia. Pentru unii, acest roman nu a reprezentat o drama, asa cum s-a scris de multe ori, ci un adevarat elogiu pentru iubirea adevarata nascuta din exuberanta tineretii si pierduta din cauza realismului maturitatii.

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Kids and pets are a natural fit. Children tend to manifest an interest in animal welfare, but healthy relationships between kids and animals don't always come naturally and can be hard work. Ubisoft is proud to sponsor "Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month" and support the ASPCA through its new Petz line of video games, which recognizes the importance of teaching kids about responsible pet care and human treatment of animals. Petz is a full series of pet simulation video games for kids ages 6-12 that allows them to built a unique two-way relationship with their virtual pets. Kids can help their animals grow, watch as they develop personalities, experience memorable moments and share experiences with their friends. Visit petz.com to play fun free mini-games and show your support at the online "cause house".

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A young photographer Thun and his girlfriend Jane discover mysterious shadows in their photographs after fleeing the scene of an accident.As they investigate the phenomenon,they find other photographs contain similar supernatural images,that Thun's best friends are being haunted as well,and Jane discovers that her boyfriend has not told her everything.It soon becomes clear that you can not escape your past.In Bangkok,after celebrating a drinking party with his closest friends,the photographer Thun and his girlfriend Jane have a car accident on the road,with Jane hitting a girl.Thun does not allow her to help the girl and they run away leaving the girl lying on the road.When Thun reveals his latest pictures,he finds some mysterious shadows, and the couple becomes haunted by the ghost of the girl.Thun investigates and finds that the victim was his former shy and weird girlfriend Natre,who studied with him in college.Later,Jane discloses deep and hidden secrets about the relationship with Natre,Thun and his friends.(IMDB)

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