In toamna anului 1938, s-a hotarat ca Norma Jeane Mortensen va merge sa locuiasca cu Edith Ana Lower.(...) Cand Norma Jeane se muta la ea, Ana isi stabili prioritatea de a purta cu aceasta discutii motivante, pentru a-i forma respectul de sine. "I-a spus ca nu trebuie sa dea importanta lucrurilor pe care ceilalti le cred despre ea", relateaza Marybeth-Donovan, a carei matusa era cea mai buna prietena a Anei. "Ii amintea ca este o fata frumoasa nu numai in exterior, ci si in interior si ca nu are nici un motiv sa se simta altfel." La aproximativ un an jumatate dupa ce s-a mutat la Ana, Norma Jeane va incepe sa frecventeze cursurile gimnaziului Emerson din Westwood, la varsta de 13 ani. Mabel Ella Campbell, profesoara ei de stiinte, isi aminteste odata: "Arata ca un copil de care nu prea avea nimeni grija. Hainele o diferentiau putin de restul fetelor." Odata ajunsa acolo, va incepe sa afiseze mai multa incredere in sine, imbracandu-se cu haine care ii puneau in evidenta silueta si folosind ceva mai mult machiaj decat celelalte fete. Incepuse sa se vada intr-o lumina diferita si, in curand, si ceilalti o vor vedea astfel, devenind foarte placuta in randul colegilor. Aceasta era perioada in care va incepe sa isi dea seama de valoarea frumusetii sale si de efectele pozitive pe care aceasta le putea avea asupra ei. Incepuse sa isi considere aspectul exterior atragator ca pe o entitate aparte , fara vre-o legatura cu sexualitatea. Intr-adevar, acesta era un magnet care ii putea atrage pe ceilalti. Cand si-a dat seama de toate acestea, a inceput sa caute metode de a-i face pe ceilalti sa o iubeasca si mai mult si sa o considere chiar si mai frumoasa. Aspectul ei suferea din ce in ce mai multe imbunatatiri. Machiaj. Ruj. Haine mai stramte. Voia sa faca tot posibilul pentru "imbunatatirea ofertei". Incepu sa creeze un personaj pe care oamenii nu numai ca il vor iubi, ci il vor adora-proces care va incepe la varsta de 13 ani si va continua pana la moartea ei, la 36 de ani.
jewelry trend 2009-2010
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 |
Jewelry is often considered by many women as important as a pair of nice shoes or a bag that matches the rest of the outfit.
This year many people prefer the natural stones jewelry, such as gemstone jewelry. They are very beautiful, in many colors and very affordable. It really doesn't matter the colour; they can be made of coral or turquoise, crystal or even bright red which is very attractive!
We all love the silver and will always be in demand and very popular...
Pearls are also making a big splash! Another key theme in jewel design is a timeless look!
Necklaces and earings are assembled from varied metal textures and lenghts. Look for metal necklaces in geometric designs like circles, ovals, squares and rectangles. Lenghts will vary but many of them will be long so that can be twisted or wrapped easily.
Earings are pretty much "anything goes". They may be big or small but one thing is certain-they will represent their wearer's personal style!
Believe it or not,one of winter 2009-2010 popular jewelry colors is yellow! In addition, citrine or yellow topaz will bring some welcome sunshine into your life as you remain on top of seasonal jewelry trends! Some of the traditional are also returning. Among them, shades of pumpkin, gray and chocolate brown will again be a wise choice!
Monday, September 28, 2009 |
- The following retailers are on board for the Season 2 release on October 13th: 1.Wall-Mart; 2.Future Shop; 3.Best Buy; 4.HMV; 5.Indigo Books; 6.London Drugs; It's important that those who are interested in the DVD make a purchase in the first 4 weeks, so that the retailers will want to keep it on the shelf after that. All the stores are in Canada. is the only online source!
Monday, September 28, 2009 |
Imagine an ancient land, distant in time and space, able to seduce with its historic mystery, beauty of its art, wisdom of its traditions, magic of its landscape...Imagine ancient rooms still echoing distant voices of monks, abates, princesses and usual men. Just imagine all this, here and now. Welcome to the Abbey of Lucedio! Lucedio Abbey is a 12th century building located in the north-west part of Italy. For those of you unfamiliar with an abbey, it's a church that is part of a monastery or a convent, the place where monks or nuns live. Many say this one is one of Italy's most haunted places. Moreover, the Lucedio Abbey is a place where torture, child molestation, murder and disturbing rituals were believed to have been performed. Lucedio is said to be cursed by the monks by the monks who used to live in it. Nobody suspected that the monks had lost faith in God and turned their backs on Christianity. They were worshipping the devil and performed horrific and disturbing black magic rituals within the walls of the holy building. They turned the Abbey into a place of horror and cruelty, kidnapping local villagers and sacrificing them to the devil. The legacy of satanic atrocities said to have occurred during the 17th and 18th centuries. Years later, the Abbey became a place of such horrible acts that the place was finally closed. In the Judgement Room (the place where all the monks made their decisions about sentences for people's crimes) a pillar mysteriously appears wet. It's called "the crying column" and people say that it cries because of all the cruelty it's seen. In another area of the building a strange fog has been seen forming numerous times for no explainable reason. Under the church is the crypt where all the abbots are buried. People say that an evil presence was captured down there and locked inside. It was believed that in order for the presence to remain locked inside the crypt it needed to be guarded. So..a number of abbots were buried in a sitting position in a circle. In time, all of them became mummified in a natural way. In the judgement room, the iron cage still rest. Lucedio Abbey has been investigated in the past for paranormal activity. Today, the building is incorporated into a rice farm.
Sunday, September 27, 2009 |
Am descoperit, de curand, acest mic local cochet si modern, in stil vintage, pe strada Batistei, colt cu J.L.Calderon. Trebuie sa recunosc ca de cand am intrat prima oara pe usa restaurantului, am ramas placut surprinsa de acea atmosfera intima influentata de catre designul bucatariei de la inceputul secolului XX. Se pare ca aranjamentele interioare au fost asigurate de La Strada Deco. Pe langa acestea, localul mai beneficiaza si de o mica terasa pentru cei fumatori. Dar ceea ce mi s-a parut esential de mentionat este faptul ca toate mancarurile sunt preparate in casa, chiar de catre Violeta, din ingrediente proaspete si naturale, fara conservanti. "Gatesc sanatos, cat mai natural posibil, mancare de casa. Bucataria mea, in care bunica s-ar simti in largul ei, are arome din trecut, dar nu si cuburi sau plicuri cu amestec magic" a precizat Violeta intr-un interviu mai vechi. Din aceasta cauzameniul nu este foarte incarcat, dar se schimba in fiecare zi si ii puteti afla continutul intrand pe
Friday, September 25, 2009 |
The interest in expelling demonic forces is high and growing.And when a movie like "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" hits the theaters, fascination increases; especially when the movie is being based on a true story.. 1.When did Anneliese begin to experience strange symptomps? In 1968, when she was 17 and still in high school, Anneliese began to suffer from convulsions. Soon, she started experiencing devilish hallucinations while praying. She also begin to hear voices, which told her that she was damned. In 1975, convinced that she was possessed, her parents gave up on the doctors from the psychiatric clinic. 2.Who first diagnosed Anneliese as being possessed? The first unnoficial diagnosis was made by an older woman who accompanied Anneliese on a pilgrimage. She noticed that Anneliese avoided walking past a particular image of Jesus, and that she refused to drink water from a holy spring. An exorcist from a nearby town examined Anneliese and concluded that she was demonically possessed. 3.Was the character of Father Moore based on a real person? Tom Wilkinson's character was more a combination of two real-life people, Father Arnold Renz and Pastor Ernst Alt. Both men were assigned by the Bishop to carry out "The Great Exorcism" of Anneliese Michel. 4.Did Anneliese's mother support the making of the film? No. Anneliese's mother did not support the making of "The Exorcism of Emily Rose". "I don't want to see the film and I don't know anything about it" Mrs. Michel said. 5.How many people were found guilty in Anneliese's death? In the 2005 film, "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" only one of the characters, Father Richard Moore was found guilty. In the real-life case there were four defendants, not just one. They were Father Arnold Renz, Pastor Ernst Alt, and Anneliese's parents. 6.Was there a doctor present during the exorcisms as in the film? No. Around Easter time of the year that she died, Anneliese begin to refuse food and drink. No doctors were called. 7.Why did Anneliese refuse to eat? Because she believed that it would rid her of Satan's influence. 8.Had Anneliese been a deeply religious person? Yes. Anneliese and her three sisters were raised in a strict Catholic family. Her father Josef had considered training as a priest and three of her aunts were nuns. In college, she hung pictures of saints on her dorm room walls, kept a holy-water font near the door, and regularly prayed the Rosary. 9.Is it true that another movie is being made about the exorcism of Anneliese? Yes. A German language film called "Requiem" was released in 2006. It is much more a drama than a horror film, and it follows the real story of Anneliese Michel more closely.
"Privelistea il ingrozise,fascinandu-l totusi,trebuia sa o recunoasca,fiindca toate in felul lor erau de o frumustete aleasa.(...) Daca victimele n-ar fi vazute individual,gandea el,ci drept parti ale unui principiu mai inalt,daca,la modul ideal,calitatile lor temporare ar fi topite intr-un tot unitar,atunci mozaicul alcatuit din asemenea pretioase pietre ar fi imaginea frumusetii insesi,ba,prea putin spus,farmecul pe care l-ar raspandi n-ar mai fi omenesc,ci divin(...) Presupunand deci,(...),ca ucigasul ar fi un asemenea colectionar de frumusete,lucrand,chiar si numai in bolnava sa fantezie,la imaginea perfectiunii; presupunand ca era un om de gust,cu metoda perfecta,cum intr-adevar parea sa arate,atunci n-ar fi fost de crezut ca o sa renunte la cea mai stralucitoare dintre nestematele trebuincioase acelei alcatuiri:frumusetea Laurei.Toata opera-i criminala n-ar pretui fara ea nimic.Caci ea era cheia de bolta a zidirii sale.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 |
Are you wondering how to show off your sex-appeal in your day to day life? Try something new, like a new haircut or new wardrobe. Just do something new on your looks that will make you feel beautiful and pretty. It is important to know what is hot and what's not. Fashion is about wearing only what flatters you because you will feel more comfortable and act more naturally. Being confident in yourself and not only in your looks but also in your own person, is always important. Just tell yourself that you're beautiful and think of why people should like you for who you are. Be the person you believe yourself to be on the inside. Even more...always keep a positive attitude and smile. I hope you noticed that sexy people usually smile often. Attractiveness is not just about physical qualities. Charisma, magnetism and confidence are far more attractive than a nasty attitude. Among these, confidence is the most important-it can give you the necessary charm and the sex-appeal that you want. And most yourself!
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