Love Dealer is the third single of Esmée Denters from her debut album Outta Here. The song was written by Esmée Denters, Justin Timberlake and Stargate in 2009. Stargate produced the song, together with Justin Timberlake who also provided additional vocals. Another version of the song features vocals by Jay Sean, is set to be released. It is her first official single in the US. The song was released in an attempt to help her break the US market with the help of Justin Timberlake. As of yet the song has failed to chart on the Billboard Hot 100. The video was filmed in Los Angeles and was directed by The Malloys. Both Denters and Timberlake will appear in the music video which was filmed on March 18, 2010.

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Fear Itself was a horror/suspense anthology television series shot in the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with some additional shooting in the city of St. Albert and the town of Devon, Alberta. It began airing on June 5, 2008 on NBC. Its title is derived from the famous Franklin D. Roosevelt quote "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." The anthology was borne out of Masters of Horror and shares several of the same creative elements: self-contained horror/thriller stories directed by the biggest horror directors working in features today; both shows were created by Mick Garris and both shows are produced by Industry Entertainment's Andrew Deane, Adam Goldworm and Ben Browning. Stuart Gordon, Brad Anderson, John Landis and Rob Schmidt all directed at least one episode of each series. The complete series was released on DVD on September 15, 2009.

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What you need to know about Katy Perry's new video: There is no girl-on-girl action this time around, and Katy is clearly a huge fan of sweets. Yes, the video for Perry's 'California Gurls' (currently the number one song in the country) is a sugary wonderland full of militant gummy bears, numerous wardrobe changes of edible clothing and Snoop Dogg, who likely showed up because someone assured him there'd be dancing candy. What all this has to do with the "golden coast," as Perry calls it, is beyond us, but it sure is fun to look at (kind of like the Lisa Frank back-to-school section of your local Walmart, only sexier). And if you're still on the fence over whether to press play or not, the video climaxes with Perry shooting whipped cream out of her chest.

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On first glance, Charice looks like any other teenager: pretty, petite and filled with non stop energy. But when the sweet-faced 17-year old opens her mouth to sing – with a profound, rich and soaring voice from every inch of her body, the audience quite literally gasps. Born and raised in the Philippines, Charice’s talent was discovered at age 4 when her mother, also a singer, noticed her daughter’s loud, rather enthusiastic version of “Happy Birthday” and decided to teach her proper vocal technique. By age 7, Charice was competing in local contests and belting out songs. She is said to have joined almost a hundred singing contests. In 2005, Pempengco joined Little Big Star, a talent show in the Philippines loosely patterned after American Idol. Eliminated after her first performance, she was later called back as a wildcard contender and eventually became a finalist. Although she was a consistent top scorer in the final rounds, she only finished in third place based on text voting. Pempengco made minor appearances on local television shows and commercials, but essentially had fallen off the radar after her stint at Little Big Star. It was not until 2007 that she gained worldwide recognition after an avid supporter started posting a series of her performance videos on YouTube under the username FalseVoice. These videos received millions of hits making Pempengco an internet phenomenon. Appearances on the Ellen DeGeneres Show were followed by several performances on the Oprah Winfrey Show. “You are a force to be reckoned with. That voice comes from something bigger than yourself,” raved Oprah. Enter 15-time Grammy winning producer David Foster who invited Charice to perform on his David Foster and Friends PBS Show in Las Vegas alongside such star studded Foster produced talents as Michael Bublé, Celine Dion, Andrea Bocelli, and Josh Groban. When the “David Foster and Friends” show returned to the Mandalay Bay the following year, Charice received no less than six standing ovations. In between the two Vegas appearances, Charice went on to perform with Andrea Bocelli (“The Prayer”) in Tuscany and Celine Dion at her Madison Square Garden show in New York City.
Charice’s US debut CD is scheduled to be released on 143/Reprise Records with her single, “Pyramid” featuring labelmate Iyaz (who recently spent four weeks at #1 with his international smash hit, “Replay”). “I’m so proud of this record and feel so lucky that I had the chance to work with some of the best songwriters and producers out there. Every note and every word is right from my heart,” says Charice. The Pyramid Remixes EP debuted at #46 on the Billboard Dance/Club play songs charts and quickly soared to #1 spot. This song was written by David Jassy, Niclas Molinder, Joacim Persson, Johan Alkenäs, Drew Scott and R&B singer Lyrica Anderson and produced by Twin.

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La sfarsitul anului 1961, Marilyn Monroe a cumparat o casa in valoare de aproximativ 77.000 dolari. Isi dorea o casa care sa semene cat mai bine cu casa dr Greenson si a gasit-o.(...) Judecand dupa standardele showbiz-ului, casa cea noua a lui Marilyn, cu trei dormitoare si doua bai, era surprinzator de mica; semana cu o ferma, era o casa cu un etaj de pe Fifth Helena Drive, in suburbiile orasului Brentwood din California. Camera de zi era atat de mica, incat incapeau in ea doar trei obiecte de mobilier. Baile erau minuscule, la fel si bucataria. Pe scurt, parea un apartament mic, foarte modest. Avea piscina si o gradina luxurianta, iar proprietatea era inconjurata de ziduri si situata la capatul unei fundaturi. Parea foarte intima. Sub usa de la intrare se afla o placa, cu inscriptia "CURSUM PERFICIO". De-a lungul vremii, unii au tradus acest moto latinesc prin "Calatoria mea se termina aici", facand aluzie la o presupusa dorinta a lui Marilyn de a se sinucide, care a facut-o sa aleaga aceasta inscriptie ca sa trimita un mesaj. Cu toate acestea, traducerea literala este "Am terminat drumul" si a fost folosita pe usile caselor europene multa vreme, ca o formula de a le ura oaspetilor bun-venit. Acea placa a fost montata cand a fost construita casa, cu aproximativ 30 de ani inainte sa o cumpere Marilyn. Ea spunea ca abia astepta sa decoreze casa cu mobila in stil mexican, pe care spera sa o cumpere in timpul calatoriilor sale in Mexic. In ciuda faptului ca a cumparat casa, spre sfarsitul anului Marilyn era intr-o stare ingrozitoare. Suferise o cadere psihica si parea ca nu mai are sanse sa-si revina.(...) Dr Ralph Greenson l-a inlocuit pe celalalt Ralph din viata lui Marilyn, Ralph Roberts, cu cel mai straniu personaj care a intrat vreodata in peisaj; acesta a fost inca un motiv sa fie ponegrit de biografi. Personajul respectiv era Eunice Murray, o femeie de 59 de ani, lipsita de gust, cu ochelari, cu o personalitate stearsa, care se autodeclara "asistenta medicala", dar nu avea nici un fel de pregatire in domeniu. Avea un chip sever si trasaturi dure.(...) Deoarece Eunice "se pricepea la treburile casei", a devenit insotitoarea lui Marilyn, spre marea dezamagire a cunoscutilor actritei.Uneori petrecea noaptea la ea, alteori nu. Prietenii si colegii ei considerau ca tot ceea ce facea Marilyn acasa, in timpul ei liber, ajungea imediat la urechile dr Greenson, din cauza lui Murray. Intr-adevar, dupa parerea lor, Greenson avea un spion nou in casa.(...) Cu toate acestea, in apararea lui Greenson poate fi invocata convingerea lui ca Marilyn trebuia sa fie monitorizata cat de mult. Nu-i pasa daca lasa impresia ca o spioneaza pe Marilyn cu ajutorul lui Eunice Murray, cata vreme stia ce facea pacienta lui in fiecare zi."Am auzit ca vorbea tot timpul la telefon si-i dadea informatii," spune Diana Stevens, care venise la Los Angeles cu John Springer pentru intalniri de afaceri. "Marilyn nu putea sa aiba oaspeti fara ca Greenson sa stie cine erau, cat au stat si ce doreau. Aceasta femeie tragea mereu cu ochiul pe la colturi si lua notite pe care le transmitea doctorului."(...) La sfarsitul anului 1961, dr Greenson a scris in dosarul sau despre ceea ce el numea "o reactie depresiva severa" la ceva ce se intamplase in viata lui Marilyn. Nu a mentionat clar ce se petrecuse. "Mi-a spus ca vrea sa se retraga din industria filmului, sa se sinucida etc." Desigur, nu e de bine cand un psihiatru se obisnuieste atat de mult sa auda amenintarile unui pacient cu sinuciderea, incat adauga un "etc" in insemnarile sale despre el; asta inseamna ca mai auzise asemenea lucrari si in trecut. "A trebuit sa angajez asistente care sa stea in apartamentul ei 24 de ore din 24", a scris el "si sa tina sub control strict medicamentele pe care le lua, pentru ca am considerat ca prezenta risc de suicid. Marilyn s-a luptat cu aceste asistente, astfel ca, dupa cateva saptamani, a fost imposibil sa mai pastram vreuna." Dupa ce i-a auzit vocea la telefon,DiMaggio a considerat ca e mai bine sa vina la Los Angeles sa petreaca sarbatorile de Craciun cu Marilyn. Ea a fost bucuroasa sa-l vada. Desi uneori Joe era foarte dificil, ea stia ca o iubeste si se simtea in siguranta in bratele lui. "Trecusera doar 30 de minute de cand sosise, iar Joe si-a dat seama ca starea lui Marilyn se inrautatise vizibil", spune prietena lui Joe,comentatoarea sportiva Stacy Edwards.(...) Joe a vrut sa se asigure ca ziua de Craciun avea sa fie una fericita pentru Marilyn. A cumparat un brad mare de Craciun si l-a impodobit pentru ea. A fost pe cat de romantic si de atent ii statea in putinta, a facut tot posibilul ca acea zi sa fie deosebita. A cumparat cadouri si le-a dat la impachetat la magazin. "Mi-a spus ca a fost o zi minunata", isi aminteste Stacy Edwards. "Iar Marilyn parea sa se simta bine, chiar daca nu era foarte entuziasmata. Sunt destul de sigura ca Eunice nu era prezenta, dar nu stiu unde s-a dus sau, mai bine zis, unde a trimis-o el. Totul a mers bine...pana in acea seara, in orice caz."

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"So Yesterday" is a pop song recorded by Hilary Duff for her debut album, Metamorphosis, and it was released as the album's first single on July 29, 2003 in the United States. It peaked at 42 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and became a top five hit in Australia, France and the United Kingdom, where it was Duff's debut single. The song was written by Lauren Christy, Scott Spock, Graham Edwards and Charlie Midnight and was produced by The Matrix. Duff said that when she first heard the song, she didn't really like it, but her opinion changes after she listened to it more. She decided she would "give [the song] 100 percent" and not comment negatively of it, and, as she put it, she "ended up loving it". "It was such a fun song, and it means a lot", she said. "It's very empowering toward breaking up with your boyfriend and getting over it and stuff." The video was filmed primarily in and around Venice Beach and Marina del Rey, California. It debuted on the Total Request Live countdown at number nine, reaching the top spot after twenty-seven days on the countdown. It received airplay on MuchMusic in Canada. At one point in late August 2003 it was the most streamed music video on AOL.

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You heard the story.The one about the goriest, loodiest splatter fest ever, the one made in the '80s but mysteriously lost. Flash forward to now: young fans search for the secret location where the movie was shot, hoping to find the film. What they find is that the mysterious slasher flick is more than a movie. It's real. And they're its newest stras. "The Hills Run Red" with a whole new level of horror as the terrified cinephiles confront a demented killer who wears a nightmarish babydoll mask. Roll camera!

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Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is the fourth film in the Indiana Jones franchise, created by George Lucas and directed by Steven Spielberg. Released nineteen years after the previous film, the film acknowledges its star Harrison Ford's age by setting itself in 1957. It pays tribute to the science fiction B-movies of the era, pitting Indiana Jones against Soviet agents – led by Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett) – for a psychic alien crystal skull. Indiana is aided by his former lover Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) and their son Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf). Ray Winstone, John Hurt, and Jim Broadbent are also part of the supporting cast. Shooting began on June 18, 2007, and took place in various locations: New Mexico; New Haven, Connecticut; Hawaii; Fresno, California; and on soundstages in Los Angeles. To keep aesthetic continuity with the previous films, the crew relied on traditional stunt work instead of computer-generated stunt doubles, and cinematographer Janusz Kamiński studied Douglas Slocombe's style from the previous films. Marketing relied heavily on the public's nostalgia for the series, with products taking inspiration from all four films. Anticipation for the film was heightened by secrecy, which resulted in a legal dispute over an extra violating his non-disclosure agreement and the arrest of another man for stealing a computer containing various documents related to the production. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was released worldwide on May 22, 2008, and was a financial success, grossing over $786 million worldwide, becoming the second highest grossing film of 2008. The film received mostly positive reviews from critics, but fan reaction was mixed. During the late 1970s, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg made a deal with Paramount Pictures for five Indiana Jones films. Following the 1989 release of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Lucas let the series end as he felt he could not think of a good plot device to drive the next installment, and chose instead to produce The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, which explored the character in his early years. Indiana Jones remains one of cinema's most revered movie characters. In 2003, he was ranked as the second greatest movie hero of all time by the American Film Institute. He was also named the sixth greatest movie character by Empire magazine. Entertainment Weekly ranked Indy 2nd on their list of The All-Time Coolest Heroes in Pop Culture. Premiere magazine also placed Indy at number 7 on their list of The 100 Greatest Movie Characters of All Time. Since his first appearance in Raiders of the Lost Ark, he has become a worldwide star. On their list of the 100 Greatest Fictional Characters, ranked Indy at number 10.

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FALLEN, monday 21.30 on AXN

An ABC Family mini-series, Fallen will be shown on AXN. It's a story of fallen angels, nephilims and warrior angels. The episode starts with Aaron Corbett (Paul Wesley) as he narrates about Lucifer led the angels in rebellion against God and those angels where banished from Heaven and was forced to live on Earth, these angels were called the Fallen. The Fallen later on mated with mortal women, thus having an offspring called the Nephilim which is half angel, half mortal. The Warrior Angels or also known as the Powers, made it their mission to hunt the Nephilim’s because they are abomination. But there is a prophecy that a Nephilim will come and redeem the Fallen to return them to Heaven. The protagonist of the story is Aaron Corbett and his mission is to redeem the Fallen and send them back to Heaven. The Powers, an army of angels, are coming to destroy him. He will have to come in terms of who he is and accept the truth as inexplicable things keep happening around him, his abilities increase and strange people start following him.

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Colbie Marie Caillat, country singer-songwriter and guitarist from Malibu, California, debuted in 2007 with Coco, which included hit singles "Bubbly", "Realize", and "The Little Things". In 2008, she recorded a duet with Jason Mraz, "Lucky", which won a Grammy. Caillat released her second album, Breakthrough, in August 2009. On December 2, 2009, Breakthrough was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album at the 52nd Grammy Awards. She was also nominated twice for Best Pop Collaboration, for her featured vocals on Jason Mraz's "Lucky" and her background vocals and writing on Taylor Swift's Breathe, and was part of the group that won Album of the Year for her background vocals and writing on Taylor Swift's Fearless.
The song is the follow-up to her worldwide debut hit "Bubbly", and was officially released in January 2008, peaking at number twenty on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, becoming her second Top 20 hit in the U.S. The video for "Realize" was filmed in both Toronto, Ontario and Haliburton, Ontario Canada. Most of Colbie's driving scenes are on highway 121 and highway 118, two main arteries of the Haliburton region. As explained on her 2008 summer tour with John Mayer, there is a story behind this song. Caillat, Jason Reeves, and his roommate were a close group of three friends. Colbie was unaware that Jason's roommate had a huge crush on her, and when she found out about this later, she decided to base her song on this. Jason co-wrote the song from the perspective of his friend.

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In 'Up and Running,' 15-year-old newcomer Jessica Jarrell croons about being ready jump into a new, exciting relationship, telling her man, "This right here's a classic, you goin' have to have it / If we get it running we can party 'till the sun comes up." Over strobing backbeats, the track is accessorized with Jarrell's Rhianna-sounding "Aye, Aye"s and rap interludes by recent solo artist and Gym Class Heroes MC Travie McCoy. Jarrell's R&B pop sound is a perfect asset to Justin Bieber's My World 2.0 tour, which kicked off this week, on June 23. Featured as the tour's opening act, Jarrell also sings alongside the Canadian pop star on 'Overboard,' the song that originally made a name for herself.
'Up and Running' is off her debut album -- expected out sometime later this year, hopefully this summer -- and follows her first single, 'Almost Love (24/7).' To hear Jarrell's new single, tune into AOL Radio's New Pop First station.

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Cercetari recente au stabilit faptul ca dr Ralph Greenson nu a fost singurul cre credea ca Marilyn Monroe suferea probabil de schizofrenie paranoida cronica. Dr Greenson a obtinut a doua parere de la psihologul consultant dr Milton Wexler.(...) Egreu sa nu tii seama, atat de multi ani mai tarziu, de descoperirile celor doi doctori, nici sa te prefaci ca acestea nu au existat sau nu au avut sens. De-a lungul anilor, Marilyn Monroe nu a facut asta. In perioada de un an si jumatate dupa diagnosticul pus de dr Greenson si dr Wexler, a incercat din rasputeri sa tina boala in frau. A facut asta mereu. A continuat sa lupte, chiar daca stia ca era ceva in neregula cu ea.(...) Din nefericire, dr Greenson a devenit atat de zelos in tratamentul lui Marilyn si, prin urmare, a capatat o influenta atat de mare in viata ei, incat avea sa-si piarda credibilitatea odata cu trecerea anilor. Pare un sarlatan, mai ales pentru ca a invitat-o pe Marilyn la el acasa, a primit-o peste noapte si a introdus-o in viata lui de familie. Se parea ca-si pierduse obiectivitatea in ceea ce o privea pe actrita. In anii '50 si '60, se testau tot felul de tratamente noi pentru bolile mintale, iar Greenson considera ca a o primi pe Marilyn in casa lui reprezenta singura alternativa la internarea in spital. In dosarul sau despre cazul Marilyn, noteaza, negru pe alb, ca incerca sa gaseasca o modalitate pentru a o impiedica "sa se gandeasca din nou la sinucidere, pentru ca stiu ca de data asta nu va supravietui." Douglas Kirsner confirma:"Greenson s-a hotarat sa-si transforme familia in substitut pentru familia de care Monroe nu avusese parte, pentru ca s-ar fi sinucis mai devreme daca o interna intr-un spital de nebuni." Spre sfarsitul lui august 1961, Marilyn Monroe s-a intors la Los Angeles definitiv; locuia in apartamentul ei, de la intersectia Doheny cu Cynthia, in cartierul West Hollywood. Se zvonea ca avea sa se intoarca la flmari pentru o noua pelicula produsa de Fox, "Ceva trebuie sa cedeze". Nu era incantata de scenariu, simtea ca va avea mult de lucru si nici macar nu stia daca va fi un film bun. Cu toate astea, era obligata prin contract sa mai faca inca un film pentru Fox, iar acesta era filmul respectiv. In septembrie, Marilyn i s-a alaturat lui Frank Sinatra, care-si usese oaspetii pe iahtul personal, intr-o croaziera de patru zile in insula Catalina."Clar, formau un cuplu," a spus unul dintre petrecareti."Ea se purta ca si cum ar fi fost gazda, nu unul dintre invitati. Parea binedispusa, dar se vedea limpede ca nu se simte chiar bine. Din cate am inteles, avusese probleme sa ajunga in starea respectiva. Toata lumea stia ca nu se simte bine, ca se afla sub tratament medicamentos." In acea perioada, medicul principal al lui Marilyn, care lucra cu dr Greenson, era dr Hyman Engelberg. Marilyn devenise deja experta in arta de a face rost de medicamente de la doctori diferiti, care nu stiau unul de altul, incat cei doi nu puteau sa-si dea seama ce medicamente lua. Cand cerea confidentialitatea unui doctor, Marilyn o obtinea pentru ca era celebra. Apoi isi facea un stoc de medicamente cat de mare putea, inainte ca doctorul sa refuze sa-i dea altele. Apoi cauta alt doctor. Greenson si Engelberg au incercat sa tina sub control acest obicei, insa nu au aplicat cele mai bune metode."Ideea era sa nu-i spunem niciodata nu, cand dorea o reteta," spune Hildy Greenson, sotia dr Ralph Greenson, "deoarece singurul rezultat obtinut era ca s-ar fi dus in alta parte sa faca rost de medicamentele respective, fara sa-si informeze medicii principali. De fiecare data cand dorea un medicament nou, de obicei facea rost de el." Se pare ca aceasta idee nu a dat roade. Lista de medicamente pe care le lua Marilyn, spre sfarsitul anului 1961, era cutremuratoare. Dupa ce dr Greenson si dr Wexler au diagnosticat-o cu schizofrenie paranoida cronica, Marilyn Monroe a inceput sa ia un somnifer numit torazina. Pe atunci era un medicament nou, introdus in anii '50 pentru tratamentul schizofreniei. Insa, daca-l lua, s-ar fi ingrasat, iar acest lucru nu i-a placut. Daca nu mai lua torazina, slabea rapid. Insa, in acelasi timp, isi pierdea controlul. Cnad arata in forma maxima, ca in ultimul ei film, "Something's Got to Give", acest lucru se datora faptului ca renuntase la torazina.(...) Marilyn mai lua analgezicul demerol si antidepresivele HMC si amytal, pe langa doze mari de nembutal. Timp de foarte multi ani luase nembutal ca sa doarma, deci in mod sigur se putea vorbi despre dependenta.(...) Marilyn lua si seconal si nimeni nu stia de unde facuse rost de el. Mai mult, lua si clorhidrat pentru somn, iar dr Engelberg afirma ca nici el, nici dr Greenson nu i-au prescris niciodata asa ceva. Engelberg a pretins ca a fost uimit de numarul de medicamente gasit in corpul lui Marilyn la autopsie, inclusiv clorhidrat, pe care credea ca Marilyn l-a cumparat din Mexic, in calatoria pe care a facut-o acolo chiar inainte sa moara. Dupa moartea ei, pe masa de toaleta a lui Marilyn s-au gasit 15 flacoane de medicamente.(...) De asemenea, Mariln facea foarte multe injectii cu vitamine, ca sa-si sporeasca rezistenta impotriva racelii i a infectiilor sinusurilor - probleme de sanatate cronice, in cazul ei. Uneori facea cateva injectii pe saptamana. Spre sfarsitul anului 1961, Marilyn capatase obiceiul ingrijorator de a-si face singura injectii. Multe persoane din jurul ei au observat ca in geanta avea seringi si sticlute cu substante deja preparate - nu se stie de catre cine. O sursa foarte apropiata a actritei isi aminteste ca substanta consta dintr-un amestec de fenobarbital, nembutal si seconal."Marilyn o numea o injectie cu vitamine", spune sursa."Cred ca stiu cine i-a dat combinatia asta de medicamente, insa prefer sa nu dezvalui numele, pentru ca nu am o siguranta de 100%. Ceea ce stiu este ca dupa ce-si facea aceasta injectie era terminata, nu mai era in stare sa functioneze." Jeanne Martin isi amintea ca inainte de plecarea lor din casa lui Frank, pentru croaziera din august 1961, Frank a rugat-o sa o ajute pe Marilyn sa se imbrace. Era prea dezorientata din cauza medicamentelor ca sa reuseasca singura."A trebuit sa aleg fiecare haina si s-o imbrac, la propriu", isi amintea Jeanne."O intrebam tot timpul: Marilyn, te simti bine? Mie mi se pare ca nu te simti bine. Ea se uita la mine cu ochii pe jumatate inchisi si spunea : Oh, ma simt bine. Nu se poate mai bine. Eram ingrijorata. Ma intrebam cine ii da toate medicamentele astea? Ce doctor ar tine-o intr-o astfel de stare? Era foarte...cum sa spun...pierduta." In acel sfarsit de saptamana, Marilyn a baut destula sampanie in fiecare seara, ca intotdeauna. Cu cat bea mai mult, cu atat era mai dezorientata si mai zgomotoasa."A fost o seara atat de trista," isi aminteste Jeanne Martin."Nu mi-am luat o clipa ochii de la ea, pentru ca mi-era teama ca va aluneca si va cadea. Nu puteti sti cat de dificil a fost; doar daca ati fi cunoscut-o pe Marilyn si ati fi stiut ce femeie minunata era, cat de draguta era cu toata lumea. Imi doream sa se simta bine, insa in ziua aceea, la petrecere, mi-am dat seama ca nu se simtea bine. Nu se simtea bine deloc."(...) Pentru prietenii si colegii lui Marilyn, felul in care era in tare sa intre in pielea lui Marilyn Monroe cand avea nevoie, in timp ce era atat de bolnava psihic, ramane un mister. Era ca si cum isi gasea fericirea in fata camerei, in postura unei variante perfecte a propriei persoane. Restul - viata ei reala, cea pe care o traia zi de zi - palea prin comparatie. Adevarul este ca o modalitate rapida sa redevina Marilyn Monroe era aceea de a renunta la torazina; asta a facut, in acea perioada. Dupa parerea ei, cata vreme era slaba si senzuala...era Marilyn Monroe. Dupa doar cateva luni, cand reporterul Alan Levy a intrebat-o daca este fericita, raspunsul ei a fost:"Hai sa zicem asa:sunt slaba. Si pot sa fiu vesela oricand. Depinde de ocazie sau de compania in care ma aflu."

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Another song from "" has been out everywhere on the web in full stream. Unlike "Can't Back Down" which involves many cast members from the TV movie, this new one titled "Wouldn't Change a Thing" is performed solely by and .

In an interview on Radio Disney earlier this year, Demi said, "That's [Wouldn't Change a Thing] close to my heart." She added, "It's probably one of my favorite parts of the movie." Beside the newly-revealed track, Demi and Joe also perform another joint track "You're My Favorite Song".
Featuring also , soundtrack album for the TV movie is up for sale in United States on August 10. Meanwhile, the sequel to 2008 "" is not going to be premiered until September 3.

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The song was released as the album's third single on May 21, 2010. The song was written by Kesha, Pebe Sebert, with Ammo, who co-produced the song with Dr. Luke and Benny Blanco. "Your Love Is My Drug"'s initial writing took place during a plane ride. Kesha stated the song had a carefree message and wasn't meant to be taken too seriously. Critical reception of the song has been mixed to positive. Critics complimented the hook but had mixed reactions with the chorus. Some praised Kesha for knowing her way around a strong pop chorus, while others called it predictable and dull. Prior to the release of Animal, the song charted in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Since being released as a single it has gone on to reach the top five in Australia and the United States, as well as reaching the top ten in Canada. It has gone on to sell over two million copies in the US alone. Kesha performed the song alongside "Tik Tok" on the thirty-fifth season of Saturday Night Live where she was covered in glow in the dark tribal-like make-up. In the music video, Kesha is portrayed in the desert while being chased around by her love interest. The main idea behind the video is being so in love with someone that you lose your head, comparable to love being a drug. In an interview with MTV, Kesha stated the song was "written on an airplane, in like 10 minutes" and that the song had a carefree message; it is "stupid and fun" and not to be taken too seriously. When asked about the final line of the song ("I like your beard") and where it came from, Kesha explained, "I've always been into bearded dudes. Hello, I'm from Nashville, I'm into hillbillies[...] the redneck look is hot right now, and that's great for me. I'm over dudes trying to look like they're in boy bands." Kesha described the concept behind the video in an interview, "I wanted it to be like a psychedelic trip of the mind, comparable with being so disgustingly in love with someone that you lose your head." The song entered at number sixty-three on the UK Singles Chart, dropping off the chart the following week. The single re-entered the chart on the week of May 16, 2010, at sixty. On June 19, 2010 after four weeks of the single climbing the chart, it reached a new peak of thirteen. "Your Love Is My Drug" has spent more weeks in the UK top 20 than its higher charting predecessor "Blah Blah Blah".

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