A music video in companion of and Tiffani Thornton's duet track "Let It Go" has been released. It includes scenes from Disney Channel's TV movie "". The video centers on 's Pete Ivey dressing in a chicken costume as his high school mascot. Appearing during a basketball game, the chicken soon becomes the main attraction at the school. A theme song for "Hatching Pete", "Let It Go" is written by a team consisting of Ali Dee Theodore, Alana Da Fonsecca, Vinny Alfieri, Julian Davis and Sarai Howard. Its music video meanwhile is directed by Alex Kalsey and Max Gutierrez.

Aside from the news of "Let It Go" music video, Mitchel Musso will drop his debut studio album "" across America on June 2. As for Tiffany Thornton, she hasn't been heard to work on a studio album. Instead, she is busy filming Disney Channel's TV series "" with .

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La sfarsitul lunii februarie 1962, Peter Lawford a invitat-o pe Marilyn la o cina la New York, in onoarea presedintelui John F. Kennedy. Kennedy iubea cultura de la Hollywood si era fascinat de vedete, in special de actritele frumoase sau, mai exact, in special de actritele frumoase blonde; totusi, niciodata nu a dat afara din patul lui o bruneta sau o roscata. Desi Marilyn il intalnise in anii '50, cand era senator, nu avusese ocazia sa vorbeasca mai pe indelete cu el. Dupa ce il cunoscuse pe Bobby, era foarte dornica sa-l cunoasca si pe fratele lui, Jack. Nu avea nici o proiectie romantica in privinta lui JFK. Cel putin, nu inca.(...) In urmatoarele 10 minute, Milt Ebbins a ajutat-o pe Marilyn sa se imbrace cu "cea mai stramta rochie pe care am vazut-o in viata mea pe o femeie. Nu puteam s-o trec peste soldurile ei. Desigur, caracteristic pentru Marilyn, nu purta lenjerie intima. Asa ca iata-ma in genunchi, in fata ei, cu nasul la cativa centimetri de zonele intime, tragand de rochie cu toata forta, ca sa treaca de fundul ei mare.(...) Apoi si-a pus o peruca rosie si ochelari de soare si...s-a asezat din nou la masuta de toaleta, unde a inceput sa se studieze din nou.(...) Ne-am urcat in limuzina si am ajuns pe Park Avenue. Cand ne-am dat jos din masina, locul era impanzit de fotografi care asteptau sa vada cine erau invitatii presedintelui. Nimeni nu a recunoscut-o pe Marilyn. Am urcat la etajul unde se afla el, iar doi agenti de la Serviciile Secrete ne-au intampinat la iesirea din ascensor. Ne-au condus la apartament. In fata usii inchise, Marilyn si-a scos peruca si i-a dat-o unuia dintre agenti. Dupa ce si-a scuturat podoaba blonda, si-a scos ochelarii si i-a dat celuilalt agent.(...) Cand a aparut, parca s-au despartit apele Marii Rosii," isi aminteste Ebbins. "In camera se aflau vreo 25 de oameni, iar multimea s-a impartit in doua, pe masura ce ea inainta in camera." Actrita Arlene Dahl, casatorita cu Fernando Lamas si mama actorului Lorenzo Lamas, se afla si ea la petrecere. "Marilyn si-a facut aparitia cu agentul ei si totul s-a oprit, toata lumea a inmarmurit. N-am sa uit niciodata. Era fantastic, nu mai vazusem pe nimeni, pana atunci, care sa faca asa ceva. Presedintele s-a intors si a privit-o si a fost limpede ca s-a simtit atras de ea. Apoi toata lumea s-a napustit asupra ei. Doreau sa stea langa ea, sa-i simta parfumul, sa respire acelasi aer cu ea."(...) JFK a fost vrajit pe loc de prezenta lui Marilyn, in acea noapte, la New York. Acest lucru nu este deloc surprinzator. Inainte sa plece, a rugat-o sa-i dea numarul de telefon. Desigur, ea s-a conformat. A sunat-o chiar a doua zi, sa-i faca o propunere. I-a explicat ca pe 24 martie va fi in Palm Springs. Urma sa stea la prietenul lui si, din cate intelesese, si al ei - Frank Sinatra. Si desigur, a mai adaugat, parca intamplator:"Jackie nu o sa vina." (...) Toti cei care-l cunosteau pe Bobby Kennedy stiau despre el un lucru; era hotarat sa desfiinteze crima organizata.(...) Cu toate acestea, in februarie 1962, cercetarile sale despre crima organizata se incheiasera, iar Departamentul de Justitie intocmise deja un raport cu privire la ele. Pe scurt, raportul arata ca Sinatra avea legaturi atat de puternice cu mafia, incat isi conducea propriul sindicat.(...) Sinatra il adora pe JFK la fel de tare ca pe oricare alt mafiot pe care il cunostea. Sinatra a ordonat sa se construiasca noi casute, de o frumusete remarcabila, special pentru vizita lui JFK. De asemenea, a expus fotografii cu familia Kennedy peste tot in casa principala; chiar a montat in dormitorul presedintelui o placa din aur pe care inscriptionase:"John F. Kennedy a dormit aici". A instalat linii telefonice noi pentru Serviciile Secrete si a construit un eliport. Cu toate astea, Sinatra a avut parte de o surpriza foarte neplacuta. Bobby i-a spus fratelui sau Jack ca, din cauza legaturilor lui Frank cu mafia, era exclus ca presedintele SUA sa innopteze in casa lui. JFK s-a conformat.(...)"Presedintelui Kennedy ii placea sa traiasca la limita si sa-si asume riscuri," a remarcat Lawrence Newman, un agent al Serviciilor Secrete iesit la pensie, "si cred ca el traia la limita unor probleme intunecate si periculoase."(...) La 24 martie 1962, intr-o sambata dimineata, Marilyn s-a pregatit pentru intalnirea ei cu destinul prezidential. Din cauza ca, in acea dimineata, la ea acasa nu avea apa, Marilyn a trebuit sa dea o fuga pana la casa dr Greenson ca sa se spele pe cap. Apoi s-a intors la ea acasa si s-a imbracat. Intre timp, Peter Lawford facea ture in camera ei de zi, asteptand sa fie gata, ca sa o poata duce in desert.(...) In sfarsit, Marilyn a aparut din baie, purtand o peruca neagra peste prul proaspat spalat si aranjat. Lawford si Monroe s-au imbarcat apoi in calatoria de doua ore catre Palm Springs.(...) Philip Watson, fostul preceptor din Los Angeles, a cunoscut-o pe Marilyn in timpul weekendului cu Kennedy in Palm Springs, iar el spune ca parea destul de calma si neatenta si purta "un fel de rochie". In continuare, isi aminteste ca "era o gramada de lume langa piscina, iar unii tot intrau si ieseau din casa in stil spaniol. Marilyn si presedintele erau si ei acolo si in mod clar erau impreuna. Imi era limpede ca se simteau bine." Philip adauga;"Bineinteles, Marilyn bause destul de mult. Aerul intim dintre ei era evident pentru toata lumea si era clar ca-si vor petrece noaptea impreuna."(...) Marilyn si-a petrecut doua nopti cu presedintele Kennedy. Nu se stie daca au avut relatii intime in vreuna dintre aceste nopti, cu atat mai putin in amandoua. Putem sa presupunem ca au avut relati intime, totusi, dar doar pentru ca JFK era obisnuit sa aiba relatii intime cu multe femei frumoase, iar Marilyn se afla, fara indoiala, pe primul loc in lista celor mai dorite femei, mai ales in 1962. De asemenea, si lui Marilyn i s-a parut greu sa-l refuze pe presedinte. Era voinic, puternic si aratos. Si, in plus, era presedinte.(...) Insa, dupa cum se va vedea, aceasta intalnire avea sa fieprima si ultima intalnire a lui Marilyn cu Jack Kennedy."Chiar era sfarsitul", isi amintea Ralph Roberts multi ani mai tarziu. "Mi-a spus foarte clar ca au fost impreuna doar in acel weekend si ca a fost singurul weekend. Abea dupa multi ani am inceput sa aud zvonuri care infirmau spusele lui Marilyn, dar nu le-am crezut, pentru ca Marilyn a fost foarte exacta cand mi-a spus ce s-a intamplat." Intr-adevar, conform lui Roberts, si unui numar de surse credibile, printre care si agentii de la Serviciile Secrete, a caror sarcina era sa-l urmareasca pe presedinte, acel weekend a fost singurul petrecut impreuna de vedeta de cinema si de presedintele SUA. Unul dintre agenti, sub protectia anonimatului, a spus urmatoarele:" Haideti sa zicem asa:daca ar fi fost vorba de o aventura, am fi aflat despre asta. Nu a fost nici o aventura. Imi pare rau. Pur si simplu, nu a fost. A fost un weekend, atata tot." Alt agent completeaza:" In acea perioada, stiam toti despre weekend. Abea dupa ce ea si presedintele au murit, oamenii au inceput sa raspandeasca zvonuri despre o aventura. Credeti-ma, nimeni nu vorbea despre o aventura in 1962. Ce stiam era ca JFK si Marilyn au intretinut relatii intime in casa lui Bing Crosby, asta fusese tot. Nu consideram ca era ceva nemaiintalnit. Avea relatii intime cu multe femei. Privind in urma, pot spune ca Marilyn a fost una dintre nenumaratele femei cu care JFK a avut de-a face si nu era chiar asa de deosebita. Daca s-au intamplat mai multe intre ei, au reusit cumva sa ne ascunda asta, insa nu cred ca poti sa ascunzi asa ceva de Serviciile Secrete."(...) Cu toate acestea, nu exista dovezi credibile care sa sprijine ideea ca au avut o aventura de lunga durata. Orice am spune in plus despre asta ar fi doar fabulatiile unei imaginatii bogate.

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Supernatural is an American drama and horror television series created by Eric Kripke, which debuted on September 13, 2005 on The WB, and is now part of The CW's lineup. Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series follows the brothers as they hunt demons and other figures of the paranormal. The series is produced by Warner Bros. Television, in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision. The series, which is filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, was in development for nearly ten years, as creator Kripke spent several years unsuccessfully pitching it as a series. The pilot was viewed by an estimated 5.69 million viewers, and the ratings of the first four episodes prompted The WB to pick up the series for a full season of 22 episodes. Originally, Kripke planned the series for three seasons, but later expanded it to five. Kripke has confirmed that he will not be returning as showrunner; however, he will still remain as an executive producer. Sera Gamble, replacing Kripke as showrunner, has stated that the sixth season will focus on the brothers' relationship.

Before bringing Supernatural to television, creator Eric Kripke had been developing the series for nearly ten years, having been fascinated with urban legends since he was a child. Although he had envisioned Supernatural as a movie, he spent years unsuccessfully pitching it as a series. He decided to have the brothers be from Lawrence, Kansas, due to its closeness to Stull Cemetery, a location famous for its urban legends. He originally intended for the car to be a '65 Mustang, but his neighbor convinced him to change it to a '67 Impala, since "you can put a body in the trunk" and because "You want a car that, when people stop next to it at the lights, they lock their doors." The tone of Supernatural was heavily influenced by films such as Poltergeist—having the horror happen in a family setting rather than remote location—and Evil Dead 2 and An American Werewolf In London—having bits of comedy mixed in. Other influences include The Two Sisters and Asian horror films The Eye, Ju-on, and Ring.
According to creator Eric Kripke, the show originally was intended to focus on the weekly monsters, with Sam and Dean Winchester merely being "an engine to get us in and out of different horror movies every week". His sole desire was to merely "scare the crap out of people". However, a few episodes in, Kripke and executive producer Bob Singer noticed the onscreen chemistry between Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. This revelation caused them to change the series to focus more on the brothers than the monsters, basing the weekly monster around the storyline they wanted for the Winchesters. Unlike shows with "endless mythology" like Lost, Kripke prefers to keep Supernatural's mythology simpler, saying, "It's so hard to go season after season after season with a mystery and then provide an answer that's going to be satisfying." He prefers to have the series' structure like that of the earlier X-Files episodes, having mythology-based episodes spread through many self-enclosed episodes—Supernatural usually having three self-enclosed episodes followed by a mythology episode. With this format, viewers do not have to have previous knowledge of the mythology in order to watch the series, being able to "join the party at any time". Rather than having the series debut on television, The WB instead made the pilot episode available for online streaming through Yahoo! a week before it was set to premiere on the network as part of a promotional scheme. Following the transition to The CW, Supernatural episodes were added to Apple's iTunes Store starting in December 2006, being one of the first CW series to be made available for sale online. Supernatural has a vast amount of merchandise available, including calendars, t-shirts, shot glasses, and posters. The company also plans on developing 12-inch figures. Inkworks has released trading cards for the show, some cards featuring actors' autographs and swatches from actual costumes used on the series.

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"Get Back" is a song performed by American actress, singer and songwriter Demi Lovato. It is the first single from her debut album, Don't Forget. The song was released on August 12, 2008 in the United States, and February 3, 2009 in Australia. On "In Tune With Demi Lovato", a short, two-part special that aired on the Disney Channel, Demi Lovato had stated "there's enough mean songs, there's enough heartbroken songs" and that she wanted to write a song about "getting back together with someone". She had called it a "fun" and "upbeat" song, that she "loves to sing". The video premiered on MTV Brazil in October 21, 2008 (the same day as the album's release there). The video consists of Lovato and her band performing "Get Back" on top of an abandoned building in Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn using Manhattan Bridge as a backdrop.

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"I Like It" is taken from Enrique Iglesias first bilingual studio album, Euphoria. It was produced by RedOne and interpolates Lionel Richie’s 1983 classic "All Night Long (All Night)" as well as featuring American rapper Pitbull and was released on May 3, 2010. The song will also be included on the official soundtrack to MTV reality series Jersey Shore. A version of the song without Pitbull is also found on the international version of Euphoria. The song reached number one on the Canadian Hot 100 and has became a top-ten hit in a number of countries, including Australia, Belgium, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States, where it reached number four on the Billboard Hot 100, becoming Enrique's first solo top five hit in nearly eight years, the last being 2001's "Hero", which peaked at number three. I Like It is also the official song of Airtel 2010 Champions League cricket tournament held in South Africa and Enrique also perform this song I Like It &Be With You in the opening ceremony of Airtel Champions League 2010.
The song received a positive review from Digital Spy's music editor Robert Copsey which gave 3 stars (out of 5) and say that "The verses may feature enough Auto-Tune to make Ke$ha feel vocally exposed, and the Eurodisco production courtesy of RedOne may have a hint of the Cascada to it, but it's the cheesy lyrics that ensure this stays an unmistakably Enrique affair". The music video was premiered on May 19, 2010 at The Sun's website. As of 16th September 2010 the video has been viewed by over 30 million viewers on YouTube.

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New York’s intense street dancing underground comes alive in eye–popping Digital 3D as a tight–knit group of street dancers team up with Moose and find themselves pitted against the world’s best hip hop dancers in a high–stakes showdown that will change their lives forever.

As the third installment in the Step Up trilogy, and the first shot in 3D, the film follows Moose and Camille Gage as they head to New York University, the former of whom is majoring in electrical engineering after promising his mother that he would not dance anymore. However, he soon stumbles upon a dance battle, meeting Luke and his House of Pirates dance crew and later teaming up with them to compete in the World Jam dance contest against their rivals, the House of Samurai dance crew.

Step Up 3D premiered in Hollywood at the El Capitan Theater on August 2, 2010 and was subsequently released worldwide on August 6, 2010, through conventional 2D and 3D (in RealD 3D, Dolby 3D, and XpanD 3D) formats. It was also the second movie to feature the 7.1 surround sound audio format, the first of which was Toy Story 3. Several earlier So You Think You Can Dance finalists also appear in supporting parts.

Step Up 3D is the film soundtrack album from the motion picture Step Up 3D. The album was released on 27 July 2010. The singles from the album are: "Club Can't Handle Me" by Flo Rida featuring David Guetta, "Already Taken" by Trey Songz, "My Own Step" by Roscoe Dashand T-Pain featuring Fabo, "Irresistible" by Wisin y Yandel.

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Check out Flo Rida’s video for ‘Club Can’t Handle Me (Ft. David Guetta)’. The tracks serves as the 1st single from the ‘Step Up 3D Original Motion Picture Soundtrack’ which hits stores on July 26th. Shot in L.A. by award-winning director Marc Klasfeld, the video features both scenes from the film and Flo Rida & Co. enjoying the nightlife highlife. Or as the never-shy Miami rapper puts it himself, "The video is hot. David Guetta and I took it to the next level. The club » He just unleashed another undeniable anthem, "Club Can't Handle Me" (Featuring David Guetta), the lead-off single from the Step Up 3D soundtrack, available now. He's also got a supercharged third album The Only One in the wings with plotted guest spots from Lil Wayne, Ludacris and many more. Plus, he looks like he's ready to star in an action movie—if you think about it Flo is like the hip hop A-Team rolled into one guy. He can rap like nobody's business, and he can carry hooks to the heavens and back. Just spin "Club Can't Handle Me" for proof of all of the above.

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has released a music video for the remix version of his single "Beautiful" with Mexican singer , who also lends her vocals on the hook, making a cameo appearance. Beside appearing alongside Dulce, Akon is also captured surrounded by several other beautiful women. "Beautiful" is one of the songs appearing in Akon's third studio effort "Freedom". Its original version has come out in January with and being featured on the lines. Akon recorded a Latin American version of the clip, featuring the ex-RBD singer Dulce María. Some parts of the song were sung in Spanish.

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Luna ianuarie a anului 1962 se apropia de sfarsit. In acea perioada, Pat Kennedy Lawford i-a spus lui Marilyn Monroe:"Trebuie neaparat sa-l cunosti. Nu vei mai intalni pe nimeni ca fratele meu." Vorbea despre fratele ei, Bobby, care in acea perioada era procurorul general al SUA. Un lucru e sigur:ori de cate ori avea ocazia sa se afle in preajma familiei Kennedy, Marilyn profita de ea. A fost mult mai interesata de politica decat credea lumea.(...) Se pare ca Marilyn, care se inregistrase ca simpatizant democrat, nu prea credea ca JFK ar fi putut castiga alegerile. Cu toate astea, era destul de informata si detinea cunostinte suficiente incat sa aiba o parere, fiind capabila sa-si sustina punctul de vedere in orice conversatie cu subiect politic. De asemenea, pe masura ce se cunosteau mai bine, ea si Pat aveau discutii indelungi despre drepturile civile, un subiect care o pasiona pe Marilyn.(...) Pat nu se rusina de faptul ca Marilyn Monroe socializa cu persoanele din cercul ei, pentru ca o considera pe Marilyn o femeie inteligenta. Lui Pat ii placea sa o aiba in vizita cand erau prezenti si fratii ei, pentru ca stia ca Marilyn nu avusese o familie adevarata. Ii facea placere si era bucuroasa sa impartaseasca viata ei de familie cu noua prietena.(...) Desigur, lui Marilyn ii placea grozav sa se afle in preajma membrilor familiei Kennedy: voiosia lor, concurenta intensa intre ei, amploarea aparte a tuturor actiunilor pe care le intreprindeau...copiii multi, mai multi decat putea ea numara,si nenumaratii caini. Familia Lawford avea intotdeauna cel putin sase caini pe proprietatea lor, urmarind echipele Kennedy si latrand dupa ele, in timp ce jucau fotbal american pe plaja. Din cauza ca Pat avea o alergie grava la animale, nu se apropia de caini. Peter ii ignora, in marea majoritate a timpului. Dupa parerea lui, erau doar o parte din decorul impunator care-l inconjura. Cu toate astea, Marilyn s-a atasat de caini si a avut grija sa li se faca baie si sa fie bine hraniti ori de cate ori venea in vizita. "De ce nu? Sunt ca niste copii," i-a spus lui Pat.(...) Matthew Fox era prietenul lui Steele, fiul lui Jeffrey Hunter.(...) Fox isi aduce aminte de Marilyn ca fiind "cea mai frumoasa femeie...nu, zeita, pe care am vazut-o vreodata", cand statea pe plaja si-si acoperea ochii ca sa se fereasca de valuri si nisip.. Isi aduce aminte de ea mergand pe nisipul fierbinte cu cainii lui Pat si oprindu-se sa admire oceanul de un albastru profund, plin de spuma. Uneori arunca mingea in apa si tipa de placere, cand unul dintre caini o recupera si i-o aducea inapoi.(...) In anii care au urmat, sursele care au sustinut ca Marilyn le-a spus ca se intalnea cu Bobby Kennedy nu minteau. Se pare ca ea mintea. In acest caz, in mod sigur nu era vorba de o intalnire. Era vorba despre o cina in casa lui Pat, iar ea era pe lista de invitati. Cu toate astea, oamenii din jurul ei au inteles ca era vorba despre o "intalnire" si au dat mai departe aceasta informatie, catre reporteri, multi ani mai tarziu. Fiecare dintre cei intervievati au spus aceeasi poveste: si-a notat toate intrebarile pe un servetel, ca sa nu le uite. Erau intrebari despre drepturile civile, despre sprijinul american acordat regimului Diem din Vietnam si despre HUAC. Marilyn si-a facut o aparitie stralucitoare acasa la Pat. Ani mai tarziu, Joan Braden, care fusese si ea la petrecere, isi amintea:"Bobby s-a intors, m-am intors si eu si am vazut-o:blonda, superba, cu buzele rosii si imbracata intr-o rochie din dantela neagra cre ii ascundea sanii perfecti si se potrivea de minune cu fiecare rotunjime a corpului ei, intr-un fel nemaiintalnit."(...) Daca Bobby era interesat intr-o oarecare masura sa o cunoasca pe vedeta de cinema, sotia lui, Ethel, a fost mult mai impresionata. Spre deosebire de multi dintre membrii familiei Kennedy, Ethel era o femeie cu picioarele pe pamant si modesta.(...) Ethel dorise sa o cunoasca pe Marilyn de cand hotarase, cu un an inainte, ca Marilyn trebuia sa joace rolul ei in filmul inspirat de cartea lui Bobby "Inamicul dinauntru"- un volum despre cercetarile sale in legatura cu activitatile ilegale ale lui Jimmy Hoffa si ale sindicatului sau.(...) La prima vedere, alegerea parea ciudata. Cele doua femei nu semanau deloc.(...) Cu toate acestea, Ethel vazuse multe dintre filmele lui Marilyn si o interesa mai degraba pentru ca o considera o actrita foarte buna, la fel ca multi altii, decat pentru ca arata bine.(...) Sentimentele de apreciere ale lui Ethel pentru Marilyn nu au rezistat prea mult, dupa ce a facut cunostinta cu ea si a vazut-o in compania lui Bobby. Joan Braden isi minteste:"S-au placut imediat, insa nu este surprinzator, dat fiind ca erau amandoi carismatici si inteligenti. Lui Bobby ii placea sa vorbeasca cu femei frumoase si inteligente, iar Marilyn se ridica la inaltimea cerintelor. De asemenea, era curioasa, dar intr-o maniera copilaroasa, pe care el cred ca a considerat-o inovatoare. I-a placut de ea, i s-a parut incantatoare, iar toti cei prezenti la petrecere erau subjugati de ea si oarecum uluiti de prestanta ei." Dupa cina , Marilyn a scos servetelul cu intrebari si a inceput sa vorbeasca cu Bobby. Cu toate astea, nu avea nevoie de ciorna. Stia cum sa poarte o conversatie cu cineva de talia lui Bobby Kennedy.(...) "Dupa aceea am inceput sa dansam si imi amintesc ca Marilyn l-a invatat pe Bobby sa danseze twist," isi aminteste Joan Braden. "Cei doi radeau si se simteau foarte bine impreuna. Din punctul de vedere al lui Ethel, cred ca Bobby a intrecut masura. Ma intrebam cum putea Bobby sa flirteze atat de deschis cu o alta femeie, stiind ca Ethel il priveste, si ma ingrijoram si pentru sentimentele lui Ethel. Oamenii au considerat intotdeauna ca Ethel Kennedy poate sa aiba grija de ea insasi mai mult dintre oricare dintre femeile Kennedy. Insa am crezut intotdeauna ca sub aceasta aparenta de bravada a lui Ethel se afla o femeie foarte sensibila si, de multe ori, foarte ranita in orgoliul ei."

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Here We Go Again is the lead single by American singer/songwriter and actress Demi Lovato, from her sophomore album, ‘Here We Go Again’. It debuted at #1 on the U.S. Billboard 200, selling 108,000 copies in its first week. Lovato stated that the new album is "going to have a different sound." In contrast to the rock influences of her debut album, Don't Forget, this album will incorporate more "'John Mayer-ish' type of songs". Demi also expressed that her previous album had more of a Jonas Brothers sound, as they helped co-write it. She wanted to make this album more her. She worked with her musical inspirations John Mayer, Jon McLaughlin, and William Beckett while writing the album. "Here We Go Again" is the first single from the album. It was released as a digital download on June 23, 2009. The song peaked #15 on the Billboard Charts and it has been rumoured to be the second single from Here We Go Again in the UK.

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"I Got You" is a pop song performed by British singer Leona Lewis. It was written by Arnthor Birgisson, Max Martin and Savan Kotecha, and produced by Birgisson for Lewis's second album, Echo. It was written by Arnthor Birgisson, Max Martin and Savan Kotecha, and produced by Birgisson. On 21 February 2010 it was released in United Kingdom as the album's second single. "I Got You" reached number 14 in the UK Singles Chart, making it Lewis's lowest charting single to date. It spent six weeks in the UK Top 40. Also, the single reached the top thirty in the New Zealand Singles Chart and the Austrian Singles Chart. The music video for "I Got You" was shot on 21 December 2009 directed by Dave Meyers in Venice Beach, California. Lewis commented about it "Its a strong, cool performance, lots of actors with a movie feel to it!" To date, the video has been seen two million times on YouTube.

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